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ADO Programming For Dummies (For Dummies (Computers))

To some extent, says the author of ADO Programming For Dummies®, everything is a database. The world is loaded with information, and that information can be stored in so many different ways – in books, in file cabinets, on floppy disks, even  in your grandma’s memory. You need to use a different method to access, add to, or modify the data in each of those databases. (In the case of Grandma’s recollections, you may find the data write-protected and not subject to change!) It was the same with the various electronic databases before ADO came along. ADO, short for ActiveX Data Objects, provides a simple yet marvelously powerful set of tools that allows you to work with all sorts of databases. You can use ADO code in Web pages Access desktop databases Microsoft Office applications Visual Basic 6.0 Your own custom-designed ActiveX objects If you need to locate, retrieve, or manipulate data from Access, SQL Server, Oracle, or others, ADO Programming For Dummies guides you through ADO programming absolutely painlessly. First, you’ll get a quick look at how ADO solves problems. Then you start getting your feet wet by applying ADO in your work situation. ADO Programming For Dummies shows you how to Address a wide range of data sources using ADO objects, properties, and methods Create applications with the ADO data access programming model Take advantage of ADO’s cross-network capability Use ADO with Active Server Pages, dynamic HTML, XML and other technologies Program Web pages that work with all browsers Apply ADO with non-relational data sources like file and mail systems ADO lets you read, write, add, and delete data from all sorts of sources, and this book makes ADO easy to understand.  The CD-ROM contains code for all the applications, sample data sources, and Microsoft Data Access Components, and if you don’t have access to an SQL server, the examples in the book will direct you to one available on the Web. Before you know it, you’ll be using ADO without further ado.

Series: For Dummies (Computers)

Paperback: 477 pages

Publisher: For Dummies (November 15, 2000)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0764507478

ISBN-13: 978-0764507472

Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 1.1 x 9.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (8 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #2,891,988 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #15 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Web Programming > ActiveX #838 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Object-Oriented Software Design #2280 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Database Storage & Design

This book is genuinely about ADO Programming without self promotion. Rob starts his book with the basic elements that lead up to ADO technology and steps up to very sophisticated programming procedures/techniques using ADO with Sql Server, MS Access 2000, Excel 2000, ASP and the Web in a very efficient and easy to understand manner. Of the features which set this book apart from others are the numerous runtime examples on Rob's website of procedures using ADO within VB/ASP scripts, and also the companion cd which includes all the of the programming code for each of the ADO examples on the website and all of the examples in the book. The information contained in this book has significantly enhanced my understanding of and coding abilities with ADO in a very short period of time, particularly in the web environment. I would highly recommend this book to any serious developer of data processing applications using ADO technology; especially for web applications.

I bought this book looking for an introduction to ADO and DB programming in general with no prior ADO experience. I read the first 4 chapters for an introduction, and I have used the rest of the book for information on how to complete specific tasks. I have successfully created ADO applications using VB, Access, and ASP, using this book and online help as references. This is probably not the most complete book available for ADO programming, but if you have not used ADO in the past, you will not find a better introduction than this book!

This was a very good book but it was not perfect. The code contained some coding errors, but what was worst was that I could not establish an internet connection to Rob's SQL server. Due to the connection problem I could not run those examples, which comprised about a third of the book. I e-mailed Rob, but Rob apparently is too good for his readers to reply back to. I would have given the book 5 stars if it weren't for these problems. The book certainly was not for beginners as it rightly claims. I actually had to read it twice. Any coding errors I was able to solve with some work. The book does offer a lot to learn though.

Many years ago I needed to learn ASP/ADO. I saw a lot of learning in front of me. But I was thrilled to find this book. It gave me the simple, clear explanations I needed to get rolling with ADO in short order. It's still one I keep handy, even thought I now use this technology to make my living. I have several big/thick ADO books, but this one is a quick reference that I still turn to often, as well as highly recommend to ADO (database connectivity) newbies for both web and Microsoft Office linking.

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