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Introduction To Genetic Algorithms

This book offers a basic introduction to genetic algorithms. It provides a detailed explanation of genetic algorithm concepts and examines numerous genetic algorithm optimization problems. In addition, the book presents implementation of optimization problems using C and C++ as well as simulated solutions for genetic algorithm problems using MATLAB 7.0. It also includes application case studies on genetic algorithms in emerging fields.

Hardcover: 442 pages

Publisher: Springer; 2008 edition (December 12, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 354073189X

ISBN-13: 978-3540731894

Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 1 x 6.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (4 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #3,202,193 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #48 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Algorithms > Genetic #542 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Algorithms #1123 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Artificial Intelligence


I was psyched to get this book but it is, as an earlier reviewer mentioned, unreadable. It seems as though someone tried to translate English to English but had a very hard time. For example, the first sentence of the book mentions a "so bust" search and optimization method. I imagine that would be a robust search and optimization method. This error is not so bad compared to other puzzlers throughout the text. The material seems like it is really good but the text reads more like, well, a comedy of errors. Indeed, as it is written, it is kind of funny. I think sales of the book would go through the roof if they released an edited version in English. I give it two stars for its comedic value and potential.

If first sentence of a book begins: "Charles Darwinian evolution in 1859 is intrinsically a so bust search and optimization mechanism," you know you are in trouble.

This book is both lively and thorough for an introduction. The organization of the book felt natural and made it easier to acquire the material. The authors were clearly knowledgeable and I'd give them five stars, it was a pleasure to read in terms of content.However, in terms of style, there are numerous typos which can be distracting. Examples include "fro" instead of "for" (page 34), "than" instead of "that" (page 26), and "subjective" instead of "surjective" (page 40), with the later example being particularly unfortunate in that students with light backgrounds in mathematics might not be able to discern the correct meaning. There are also occasional grammatical cul-de-sacs which left me puzzled and guessing the exact meaning of a sentence.This book has no index. For such a high price, one might expect at least some perfunctory editing and at the very least an index. The excellent content of the book was done a disservice by Springer's poor publication in this case.Given the strength of the content, though, I'd still recommend this book.

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