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MATLAB For Engineers

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. MATLAB for Engineers is intended for use in the first-year or introductory course in Engineering and Computer Science departments. It is also suitable for readers interested in learning MATLAB. ¿ With a hands-on approach and focus on problem solving, this introduction to the powerful MATLAB computing language is designed for students with only a basic college algebra background. Numerous examples are drawn from a range of engineering disciplines, demonstrating MATLAB’s applications to a broad variety of problems. ¿ Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience–for you and your students. Customize your Course with ESource: Instructors can adopt this title as is, or use the ESource website to select the chapters they need, in the sequence they want. Introduce MATLAB Clearly: Three well-organized sections gets students started with MATLAB, introduce students to programming, and demonstrate more advanced programming techniques. Reinforce Core Concepts with Hands-on Activities: Examples and exercises demonstrate how MATLABcan be used to solve a variety of engineering problems. Keep Your Course Current: Significant changes were introduced in version MATLAB 2012b, including the introduction of MATLAB 8 which has a redesigned user-interface. The changes in this edition reflect these software updates. Support Learning with Instructor Resources: A variety of resources are available to help to enhance your course.

File Size: 32083 KB

Print Length: 672 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 2 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits

Publisher: Pearson; 4 edition (January 8, 2014)

Publication Date: January 8, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


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Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #193,678 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #152 in Books > Computers & Technology > Software > Mathematical & Statistical #170 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Software #679 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering

As a graduate student looking to quickly learn Matlab, this book was exactly what I needed. I went through some select chapters, worked the problems and was on my way to completing assignments for a numerical methods mathematical class after about 12 - 15 hrs of self study. I continue to use the book for reference and am constantly getting better with my programs. The Matlab program has great help and support built in, however, this book is great for getting started and up to speed quickly.

Doesn't flow well. Chapter problems seem to take way longer than they should and I finally realized that the examples and explanations weren't very good. Would have preferred longer sets of code to illustrate instructions and concepts. Even copying codes page by page still left me floundering when I got to the problems section. Btw, I'm not a poor student and can pick things up quickly. I just think the material could have been presented in a better manner.

This book was EXACTLY what I wanted & needed. I am a practicing electrical/acoustical engineer starting to incorporate Matlab into my work. The book guides you to solving practical problems with Matlab with a step-by-step approach that helps to clarify your problem solving and decreases the intimidation of command-line programming. The author covers a good range of problem topics that serve well to reveal Matlab's functionality & power. For any engineer needing a jump start into Matlab, this very well written book deserves a place on your reference shelf.

Really bad explanations, unclear flow. I had to buy another book for my class because whenever I had a question about the homework, this book never helped me. I am doing poorly in my class simply because the book doesn't tell me what I need to know! I always had to struggle to find an answer online. Now I have another book that is much more helpful.

I purchased this book for an introductory Matlab course and couldn't be happier. There is just the "right" amount of information presented, i.e. not over or underwhelming, the examples are thorough and well explained, and for an introductory course seems to focus on the more relevant features of the program rather than arcane minutia. All in all, this is a good book and will become a good reference once the course is complete.

For my class in particular, if you can do the in text problems you could pass the MATLAB class. Very thorough up until the for loop and while loop section. The examples sort of helped. The first like 6 or so end of chapter problems are easy and help you understand things, then they get really complicated. Janky solutions are on chegg!

This books covers the basics of Matlab. The examples are few and it doesnt come with them per se on a CD or a repository to download them online. You might as well read the help files on matlab instead.

This textbook is an excellent intro to the vast world of Matrix Manipulation Software. No single textbook could cover the immense amount of knowledge the is contained in the MATlab program, but this book does an excellent job of introducing an individual to program without going into syntax overload.

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