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Poison Dart Frogs (Complete Herp Care)

This guide is a care manual for the brilliant and fascinating poison dart frogs. It contains detailed care information on over 15 species, along with a comprehensive guide to designing naturalistic terrariums suitable for nearly any species of dart frog. Written by professional breeders, this book is an excellent guide to the housing, feeding, breeding, and health care of these spectacular amphibians.

File Size: 3541 KB

Print Length: 128 pages

Publisher: TFH Publications, Inc. (May 1, 2007)

Publication Date: December 1, 2012

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #194,573 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #7 in Books > Science & Math > Biological Sciences > Zoology > Amphibians #16 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Animal Care & Pets > Reptiles & Amphibians #54 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Pets & Animal Care > Reptiles & Amphibians

This is the best book out there for people who keep or are considering keeping dart frogs.It's got more detail then Bartlett's Poison Dart Frogs (Reptile and Amphibian Keeper's Guide) (which is the second best book out), and is up to date, (compared to Poison Dart Frogs (Success With An Amphibian Pet) or The Guide to Owning Frogs (Guide to Owning A...), which are very dated). This is not a coffee table book (I recommend Frog: A Photographic Portrait or Poison Frogs of the Family Dendrobatidae: Jewels of the Rainforest). Nor is it a biological encyclopedia of the frogs and their breeding records (for that get Poison Frogs: Biology, Species & Captive Husbandry, the $165 tome).This is an in-depth guide to raising dart frogs, authored by some of the leading breeders in the world. Tank design, food raising, health, breeding, tadpole raising, and the popular species are all discussed in depth, with many troubleshooting tips.I bought and read every book on dart frogs before getting my own frogs, and this is the only book I have ever needed.

Maybe I'm not the best one to review this book as it's the first on the subject I have purchased or read, but after spending time searching the web and reading forums I found this book to be pretty meh. Considering the price and the current level of reviews it felt like a brief overview.That said it is good information that is well presented and it includes some specifics and details that I haven't found yet by reading the forums. I'm big on using web forums to learn legitimate information about virtually anything but they are rarely good to sit and read in a logical, linear fashion without knowledge gaps. For that reason I suppose a book such as this is still worth buying and reading before you get started.

This is about the KINDLE edition only. There are a number of formatting errors which result in whole pages disappearing. I think the book itself is good but I have no way of knowing. Is there anyway TFH can correct this. As it is now, it was a complete waste of money

I purchased this book two weeks ago and read it entirely in just a few short days and I must say i have never been more pleased with a book, I had a lot of fears going in to this hobby as I have read elsewhere that these Frogs can be very hard to keep and this book has help put me at ease, from breeding to health and feeding this book has you covered.The only thing I wish they went more in to was new vivarium setups and that they can get mold growth in them, this however will disappear overtime (found out with a bit of googling), but then the book is about keeping dart frogs and not vivarium joys & horrors. So I will excuse this factor. :D

This book was very open and flexible and gave several suggestions with an open-mindedness that is lacking on most stringent websites. I would have loved if they went into more detail about how much to feed, rather than just listing what species of feeder insects are appropriate and how to culture them. All-in-all, a great book.

Poison Dart Frogs (Complete Herp Care) was good book back a few years ago. It provides generic instructions on fruit fly culturing and housing construction. Taxonomic information is now incorrect (correct at time of publication) and inaccurate information is provided in at least one section (page 9, Dendrobates auratus can be removed legally from Hawaii with a permit, while the book claims it is illegal.) It does provide a nice section previewing species. It is not a bad book to have, but not as instructional as another.I recommend Poison Dart Frogs: A Guide to Care and Breeding which is a better beginner's guide. It provides detailed instructions on habitat design with pictures. It guides you though the process instead a page and half instructions on design with only 4 pictures or no pictures in the case of backgrounds.If you are wanting specific species information spend the money on Poison Frogs: Biology, Species & Captive Husbandry. It is the "bible" of Dart Frogs, it is the best dart frogs book to date, hands down a must have for any hobbyist.

After having read several other books about tree frogs and keeping them, we found it difficult to find consistant advise that worked for us. The false bottom tank modelwas perfect, and in fact we had been buying our dart frogs from the authors, so we saw it first hand.The book is well written, doesn't assume you are a professional herpetoculturist or herpetologist, but someone who wants to add some amazing color to their terrarium or creating the perfect habitat for some minature frogs.The Sihlers have been raising dart frogs for well over a decade, starting when not a lot was known about breeding, yet they managed to become top class breeders of Rain Forest amphibians in the middle of the Sonoran Desert.

great book gives lots of information on these frogs.great price also.These frogs are so ting & cute love the different colors

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