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Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 (Expert's Voice In ASP.Net)

The ASP.NET MVC 5 Framework is the latest evolution of Microsoft’s ASP.NET web platform. It provides a high-productivity programming model that promotes cleaner code architecture, test-driven development, and powerful extensibility, combined with all the benefits of ASP.NET.ASP.NET MVC 5 contains a number of advances over previous versions, including the ability to define routes using C# attributes and the ability to override filters. The user experience of building MVC applications has also been substantially improved. The new, more tightly integrated, Visual Studio 2013 IDE has been created specifically with MVC application development in mind and provides a full suite of tools to improve development times and assist in reporting, debugging and deploying your code. The popular Bootstrap JavaScript library has also now been included natively within MVC 5 providing you, the developer, with a wider range of multi-platform CSS and HTML5 options than ever before without the penalty of having to load-in third party libraries.

Series: Expert's Voice in ASP.Net

Paperback: 832 pages

Publisher: Apress; 5th ed. edition (December 20, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1430265299

ISBN-13: 978-1430265290

Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 1.6 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (83 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #73,163 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #5 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Web Programming > ASP.NET #11 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Microsoft Programming > .NET #18 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Languages & Tools > C#

My background: I have been building in .NET applications for 8 years, with experience in web application development, but with no experience in any MVC-style technology.This is one of the best technology books I've ever read for a technology I'm learning from scratch. The first half of the book covers the basics, then starts to build, chapter by chapter, an actual application that slowly teaches you the basics of all the concepts. This is followed up by deep dive chapters on each of those concepts that go into heavy detail. I read the first half of the book all the way through, then skipped around to topics that interested me for the last half.Adam Freeman's writing style and examples are thorough, step by step, and easy to follow. He continually states not to worry about certain topics too much in the first half, but gives you a clear reference point as to where he covers that topic later in the book in detail if you do want to skip ahead.I picked up the print version of this from , but I did get the companion ebook from Apress directly (they heavily discount this on their site), which made it much easier to copy and paste in code examples.Up front, Adam includes explanations of dependency injection (showing how to use Ninject in MVC), mocking (focusing on Moq), and a bit of the Entity Framework as well, and throughout the book focuses on unit testing cases as well (though if you wish to skip these, they are clearly marked to be separated from the rest of the content). While you may be anxious to dive straight into the MVC-specific content, this really lets you practically see how to truly build your own MVC apps using industry-standard techniques.I plan on picking up the Pro ASP.

Newbies to the platform, please read:First of all, this book is very important. Is the only properly done documentation in the whole web about ASP.NET MVC 5 for complete beginners. This will NOT teach you C#.One extraordinary big suggestion I give, is to read the book COMPLETELY, before banging your head. The first 14 chapters of the book may look like some alien stuff. But the author starts explaining afterwads.I also suggest you to look for Ninject documentation online, and compliment it with the one in the book. You'll then get to understand what Dependency Injection is (It took me long days to understand part of it). The same goes for Unit Testing and Mocking, which all three where completely new terms for me.I started reading the book with basic C# knowledge and I needed to look for external references to close the gap. It isn't imperative to know lots of C# code. Pretty basic will do fine.Now, I've been struggling a lot with ASP.NET MVC 5. I've started using C# (coming from PHP) since the beginning of this year, and when I started reading this book I've stumbled man many many black mental lagoons. Which I needed to use Google + MSDN + Stack Overflow to get rid of them.To this day I haven't dominated the thing at all. I've been stuck with reading and updating from the Database, and that is something I want to tell you about:This book is about the MVC framework. Please note that the MVC framework isn't the one which takes charge of the database: Creating, Reading, Updating, Deleting (CRUD) tables and databases is taken care of the Identity API and Entity Framework,.Identity can be learned from Chapters 14 and 15 from the ASP.NET Platform book, given by free by the author on Apress' site.

If you're new to programming, buy a different book.If you're a seasoned programming veteran looking to learn MVC, buy a different book.If you're in between, this book may be for you, but I wouldn't recommend it.I've been a programmer for many years. When Microsoft released ASP.NET in 2006, as a "new" web programmer, I felt comfortable with its design. The architecture and the event-driven relationship between HTML controls and code behind was as natural as writing a program for computer users.ASP.NET has come a long way since 1.0, but there's one thing that I can say with confidence: it's not changed, but only gotten better.Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about MVC.NET, and yes, I'm going to call Microsoft's version of the MVC framework "MVC.NET". This is important because these are very different things.This book is about learning MVC.NET. As web development and technologies have certainly changed over the years, Microsoft needed a way to remain relevant in a world being replaced by JavaScript. It's true ASP.NET utilizes JavaScript, but the functions of what it does remains inside a black box, and developers took it on faith things just worked since the relationship between ASP.NET and JavaScript were "frienemies".To break down this barrier, Microsoft introduced MVC.NET to developers. Not only does it encapsulate most (if not all) JavaScript technologies out there, but it's flexible enough you can incorporate pretty much any technology, such as the out-of-the-box Razor.With this in mind, it's the setup the author of the book didn't understand and rather than introduce the book as learning MVC.

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