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Electronic Principles With Simulation CD

This seventh edition of Malvino’s classic Electronic Principles offers students a definitive overview of electronic circuits and devices. Expert knowledge of electronic devices is presented in a stimulating, clearly written, conversational style. The new, streamlined book design is full-color throughout, with ample, clear illustrations. Greater emphasis on modern integrated circuit (IC) technology, and the revision of nearly one third of the previous edition’s chapter problems and review questions refresh this text while retaining its proven approach. In addition to the text there is a wealth of supplementary material included for both student and instructor. An upgraded Experiments Manual, the optional use of MultiSIM software, an instructor’s manual with an Instructor Productivity Center CD-ROM, and the brand new Online Learning Center website make this text a powerful learning tool." Electronic Principles is written for electronics students who have done course work in basic DC/AC circuit analysis, along with algebra and trigonometry prerequisites. The book gives clear, accessible coverage of basic electronics concepts in the first half of the book, then applies these to the important electronic circuits and devices most widely used in today’s industry.

Hardcover: 1116 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 7 edition (March 28, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0073222771

ISBN-13: 978-0073222776

Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 1.6 x 11.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 5.7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (26 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #67,417 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #30 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Digital Design #99 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Electronics #134 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Telecommunications & Sensors

This bundle does NOT include ANY kind of simulator application, despite its misleading and false description. When you put in the companion CD, the ReadMe file bluntly states: "If you need to purchase the student edition of MultiSIM, please ask your bookstore to order it for you." Only then can you run the project files contained on the CD.But I am NOT a student, I am a working professional, and my "bookstore" is .com. Since I don't qualify for the $83 student edition of the simulator, I'm looking at THOUSANDS of dollars for the fully licensed software suite that includes Multisim.While I am pretty unhappy about that, I do not intend the poor rating to reflect on the book itself. I used Electronic Principles 20 years ago in school, and it has been on my desk ever since for reference and for review (great for studying up on those technical interviews). Malvino's elegant exposition makes it a true Classic, and to be fair it's well worth the hundred and something dollars stand-alone. Unless, like me, you have a perfectly serviceable previous edition, and are lured into buying this purported bundle because you think it would be great to review the material with the luxury of some kind of simulator "lite" so you don't have to set it all up in the lab.

Electronic Principles by Albert Malvino is one of the best electronics book there is. This book is ideal for someone who is just either interested in the field of electronics or is learning it as a trade. The 7th edition is excellent and contains many problems with answers in the back of the book. Malvino's job interview questions are an added bonus that I think most people will appreciate. The book is highly colorful and does not delve into the abstract mathematics that would only confuse a person just getting there feet wet.I have to admit I was disappointed with the CD as a previous review mentioned however I feel this should not disqualify this book from consideration in somebodies library because of that. Highly recommend and deserving of 5 stars.

This text book was picked by the curriculum committee to be used in a course I teach.If you are a student, you probably don't have much choice, and this is the book you need. None the less, this book is pretty well organized. The material is covered in what I would consider to be a sensible order and the depth of coverage is good for an associates degree program or engineering curriculum that doesn't want to get bogged down in too much calculus. Of course, basic calculus is not entirely absent.I had a traditional math intensive electronic devices course when I earned my EE degree, and frankly I would have gotten a better education from the way the material is presented in this book.If you aren't in a course that specifies this text and you are looking for a book with pragmatic information about real world electronics, this book is also a reasonable choice. If seeking a reference book, you may also want to consider the current edition of, "The Art of Electronics," by Horowitz and Hill as an alternative.

I recently ordered "Electronics Principles, Seventh Edition, Albert Malvino".Athough the actual content of the book is good, the Publisher seems to haveuncorrected production issues. The pages in the front/back of the book, were for lack of a better description, wrinkled and/or stuck together.It's is apparent that towards the back of the book there were two CD's that were removed at some point.There are cardbord remenants of the CD holders where the CD holders were cut from the book.Since there are imprints left on pages surrounding where the CD's were, it is clear enoughCD's were removed. I'm assuming since there is no MultiSim software included to actually run the simulation files, that the missing CD's were the student version of MultiSim.It would have been nice if the Publisher had clearly indicated upfront, there is no actual simulation software included with the book,as this is going to be an additional unanticipated cost neccessary to get the most out of this book.I returned the first copy to , and a replacement copy in pretty much the same condition arrived, hence "uncorrected production issues"I have contacted the Publisher asking about the production quality, and CDs that were removed.Scott WarnerSeattle

Someone should really go through and do all the homework assignments while Malvino watches so he can fix the hundreds and hundreds of typos in this book. Publish an errata at least! It's an improvement over the Grob's Electronics book but not by much.

It is a great book and makes Electronics easy to learn. There are a lot of errors but there is so much information that it is probably hard to make sure everything is perfect. I think some information was not updated from earlier versions because some questions and answers don't seem to fit correctly. I don't think they proofed it very well. However because the values of the components are kept similar throughout the explanations, it is easy to see where the errors are and get a proper calculation. Some formulas aren't labeled correctly but you can tell what was meant to be calculated by reading the explanation. There's an intro from Malvino saying you can contact him on his website but that's not true, the site is locked. I haven't tried to use the CD but it says Win 98 so I'm sure that's probably totally outdated at this point. Overall I am doing well in class and I like learning with this book.

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