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Thrive Foods: 200 Plant-Based Recipes For Peak Health

Brendan's previous two books, Thrive and Thrive Fitness, were groundbreaking, must-reads for plant-based athletes who wanted to maximize energy from their diets. But what these books were missing, as far as the less-serious athlete is concerned, was approachable food -- food you could cook for your family, or meals that a reluctant or tentative new vegetarian or vegan would be likely to enjoy.But right in the introduction of Thrive Foods, Brendan explains how this book is different: he enlisted the help of his favorite chefs (some of them very well-known among vegetarians and vegans) to come up with recipes far more flavorful and approachable than those in Thrive and Thrive Fitness, while still focusing on foods that provide the maximum amount energy at the lowest digestive cost. As a result, this book will appeal to massively wider audience. (This includes my 16-month old son, who I was shocked to discover actually enjoyed the Shanghai rice bowl recipe last night for dinner.)The first few chapters of Thrive Foods explain Brendan's philosophy on food, and why he believes a plant-based diet is the best possible diet both for our bodies and our planet. Where he improves again on the previous books is in including several graphics and charts that make this information easy to assimilate, even to those just skimming through it.The rest of the book comprises 200 vegan recipes. The handful that I've tried have been delicious, and as a non-raw-foodist, I was happy to find that hot, traditionally-cooked dishes like red lentil dal were included. But there are still many raw meals, with most of the non-raw dishes featuring raw components, in a nice compromise between health food and hot, comforting meals.

Brazier is an innovator: he formulated his now famous Vega plant-based protein shake at age 15; reinvented himself from a champion elite athlete to a nutrition and fitness expert; and then a best-selling author and public speaker. And this 3rd book in the Thrive Series does not disappoint and shows why he is a game-changer.He introduces a breakthrough concept called Nutrient-to-Resource Ratio which ties nutrition, fitness and the environment together (you read it here first), and clearly illustrates how one seemingly small buying decision can have an industry changing effect, and potentially tip our food habits in a massive way.Imagine you are in your favorite grocery store and as you check out food labels, you do not only see the amount of calories, but also the amount of nutrients and the environment resources used to produce that food. What a shock to find out that it takes 2900 times MORE land to produce the EQUAL amount of micronutrients from a pound of beef than from kale! Wouldn't you think twice about having steak for dinner? To take it a step further, as we start comparing brands to see which are more responsible than others, companies will start changing the way they do their business to meet the needs of the market place, and it is our buying power that will drive what they offer moving forward.Even if you have not gotten into the plant-based lifestyle yet, are curious about it or in the process of transitioning, you will find that this is not one of those highly theoretical and abstract books - it is a very practical one infused with humor and fun examples which make the ideas come to life.

Brendan's writing style is easy to read, even for those who don't love reading. The book is packed with information and illustrations, which help readers, who love visuals, to further comprehend the topics discussed.I found the book intriguing and important for my personal growth. Every other line that I read, I wanted to share with everyone I know... but it is better to actually buy the book instead. However, there are a few things worth highlighting.Nutrient DensityBrendan's background in sports pushed him to look into not only quality of foods to improve his performance, but foods' nutrient density-getting most out of each meal. Brendan dissects the topic of foods' Nutrient Density importance, which will lead the reader to understand why organic foods are so much more superior to their counterparts. I eat 99% organic already, but having read the book, I appreciate it so much more--I am getting higher return on my investment nutritionally by going all organic.Organics deliver MORE for each penny we spend on them-they are nutritionally dense, filled with minerals, and natural bacterial fighters, which won't be found in conventionally grown foods.Brendan show how the "self-protecting compounds plants would have naturally produced to make them undesirable to the insects are in fact powerful phytonutrients." In addition to that, conventionally produced foods lead to poverty of micronutrients. If we lack micronutrients "our hunger signal remains active; overconsumption and weight gain are likely to result."I love the Five Thrive Guiding Principles, laid out by Brendan:1. Eliminating biological debt: acquire energy through nourishment not stimulation.2.

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