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Learning C++ By Creating Games With UE4

Learn C++ programming with a fun, real-world application that allows you to create your own games!About This BookBe a top programmer by being able to visualize programming concepts; how data is saved in computer memory, and how a program flowsKeep track of player inventory, create monsters, and keep those monsters at bay with basic spell casting by using your C++ programming skills within Unreal Engine 4Understand the C++ programming concepts to create your own gamesWho This Book Is ForIf you are really passionate about games and have always wanted to write your own, this book is perfect for you. It will help you get started with programming in C++ and explore the immense functionalities of UE4.What You Will LearnVisualize and truly understand C++ programming concepts, such as how data is saved in computer memory and how program flow worksWrite reusable code by grouping lines of code into functionsLearn how inheritance works-how traits of a base class are passed on to derived classesLearn about dynamic allocation of new memory for your programDesign your own world using the UE4 editorPractice programming by coding behaviors into your game world, including player inventory tracking, monsters, and NPCsIn DetailUnreal Engine 4 is used to create top notch, exciting games by AAA studios, and learning to program in C++ needs some serious motivation.Learning C++ by Creating Games With UE4 will start with the basics of C++: installing a code editor so you can begin to write C++ code. You will then learn how to write small, self-contained C++ programs that show you how to use the C++ language, without overwhelming you with too much code at the beginning. As we dig into more advanced C++ concepts, you will start to explore the functionality the UE4 engine has to offer. You will use the UE4 editor to create your own world, and then program in some seriously fun gameplay. By the end of this book, you should have a good grasp of how to program in C++.

File Size: 26328 KB

Print Length: 344 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1784396575

Publisher: Packt Publishing (February 24, 2015)

Publication Date: February 24, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #504,948 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #133 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Languages & Tools > C & C++ > Tutorials #175 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Programming > Games #323 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Programming > C & C++

Right here is a book with a clearly defined goal and an excellent execution. Learning C++ by Creating Games with UE4 by William Sherif takes you on a journey from being a total blank in C++ to coding some basic features of a 3D game. Even though I have been coding in C++ for years, I still enjoy reading novice level texts as sometimes they can teach you a new way of thinking about familiar problems. For me, it’s also important to have good book recommendations (especially for people starting out), and I actually discovered this book from a member of the Unreal Engine community looking for a review. So here it is.William Sherif starts the book proper, with how to setup a project using either Visual Studio or XCode. This is actually a great design, and it’s thoughtful to include both operating systems (Linux is not officially supported by Epic yet, so I can’t knock the author on that one). When first starting with C++ programming, probably the hardest thing is not the syntax but understanding how to configure the project and settings in the IDE, so I like that this was covered first. Next Sherif moves onto the basics of programming: variables and memory (numbers and pointers), control flow (if, else, equality and comparison), looping (while and for loops), functions and macros, variable scoping, objects and classes, inheritance, and finishing up with dynamic memory allocation and arrays. Really quite a good foundation for learning C++. I found the explanation to be clear and concise, and the author did a good job of easing the reader into the information. C++ is a huge topic to cover, and there are volumes of text many times this size going deeper into the intricacies of the language. I wouldn’t actually fault the book for this, I think it’s a strength.

I purchased this book primarily as an introduction to UE4 (with a C++ focus), not as a C++ primer... (I've been writing in C++ for a living for 20+ years) - I thought that this book would be a good starting point for UE4.Almost immediately I ran into issues as the UE4 Editor UI has changed quite a bit since the book was written (Feb 2015 and 4.4.x)... many menu items have been renamed, moved around, or no longer exist as described at the time of this review (Dec 2015 and 4.10.x) - these are not the fault of the author, of course, but be advised that you can't use the book 'as is' with a current version of UE4 and a great deal of patience, trial and error.What really started to grate, though, was the author's use of UE4 deprecated code in the tutorials, specifically Chapter 8 - which between 4.4.x and 4.10.x have transitioned from 'deprecated' to 'removed', resulting in code that won't compile. Two examples are: 'TSubobjectPtr ProxSphere;' (TSubobjectPtr no longer exists in 4.10.x, instead use a direct 'class USphereComponent* ProxSphere;), and 'FPostConstructInitializeProperties' (you need to use 'FObjectInitialzer' instead). A C++/Visual Studio neophyte wouldn't have been able to get things to work at that point - I was able to discover by poking around in header files and looking at UE4 forums.Things got worse in Chapter 8 when the author neglected to mention that you needed to include additional header files ("Avatar.h" and "MyHud.h" to NPC.cpp) to get things to compile at all. Again, a C++ newbie would have been stuck."But!" (you say :), "But! You should have just gone to (as mentioned on page 7), and looked up the errata!

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