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Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones

What if you could really feel better as you get older, or age without illness? What could be better than having your doctor tell you that you have the bones of a twenty-year-old, or the heart of a thirty-year-old? Follow the advice in Ageless, and you’ll discover your own internal fountain of youth! In this #1 New York Times bestseller, Suzanne Somers reveals the secrets to a younger, healthier, and sexier you. Jam-packed with updated information on bioidentical hormone replacement and antiaging, Ageless will change your life forever. Suzanne talks about:• Antiaging medicine and how it can help work against the environmental assault that is making us sick• Menopause, which can become an enjoyable passage once the body is in perfect hormonal sync with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy• Why so many hysterectomies are unnecessary, how birth control pills may have contributed to the rise of them, and how to restore your body to perfect hormonal balance after having one• The importance of sleep and the healing work that nature does during this time

Paperback: 464 pages

Publisher: Harmony; Reprint edition (December 31, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0307237257

ISBN-13: 978-0307237255

Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 1 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (341 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #32,312 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #74 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss > Detoxes & Cleanses #100 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Aging #129 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Women's Health > General

Here's the TRUTH...The most profound truth that seems to be still ignored by many practicing internists, gynecologists, and endocrinologists (and the most important part of this book) is stated on page 90 of this book:"When a woman has a complete hysterectomy, so many doctors make the mistake of prescribing only estrogen. This is a recipe for disaster."Exactly how and which hormones should be prescribed is still a matter of research but (as a physician practicing many of the techniques described in this book) I've seen so many women go from suffering with fatigue, lack of sex drive, difficulty thinking, depression, anxiety, and weight "waking up" and feeling energetic, sexual, losing weight, and throwing away their antidepressants...that it is maddening to me that so many gynecologists continue to ignore their own research.EXAMPLE: Years ago, in OB/GYN (like the New England Journal for gynecologists) the gynecologists published in their own magazine a study showing that women who were started on testosterone immediately BEFORE the hysterectomy (so it would be on board to help with recovery from the operation) recovered from surgery faster, had less pain, and a faster recovery emotionally and sexually than did women who were not on testosterone.With proper hormone replacement (including testosterone), very good research in OB/GYN shows that women who have hysterectomy for the right reasons will have better sexual relations after the surgery than they had before the surgery.If I sound like I'm ranting, it's because I am.

In Ageless, Somers details everything there is to know about bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). This differs from conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) because conventional hormone replacement therapy uses synthetic drugs that are slightly biologically different than the naturally occurring hormones in the human body. She uses personal accounts, informative prose, and interviews with doctors to get this information across. The variety of approaches helps explain things in various ways to more fully understand the concepts, and also add variety to the read.This book is aimed at the demographic of middle-aged people, especially women, who are eligible for hormone replacement therapy. The book is essential for those who are considering hormone replacement therapy. Somers sings the praises of BHRT over and over again in this book.The book is a useful tool, even for those who are not into middle age and considering hormone replacement therapy. Somers outlines and explains the function of every major hormone in the body and most of the minors as well, including adrenaline, insulin, human growth hormone, cortisol, melatonin, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and thyroid.There are two main points being made in this book. First, Somers wants everyone to understand the importance of hormones in health. This is a complex part of human life, and she does a good job of outlining the functions of hormones to her readers. She uses the metaphor of an "orchestra" of hormones to explain how interwoven our hormones are, and how if one is out of tune, the whole orchestra will sound off. However, beyond this metaphor she does little explaining of how the orchestra actually interacts, and instead deals with each hormone individually.

I learned considerable new anti-aging information, from Ageless, although I have read numerous books on this topic. I suspect most physicians would also learn some new information, from this book, which was written, in 2006.Ageless, contains an abundance of leading edge medical knowledge concerning estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, DHEA, melatonin, and human growth hormone replacement, breast cancer risks and treatment. Suzanne Somers survived breast cancer and continued on biodentical hormone replacement, while declining chemotherapy. She has researched hormone replacement far more thoroughly, than the "medical reporters," who have dominated media coverage of hormone replacement, with unbalanced, over-sensationalized, misleading articles. I have heard Suzanne Somers speak and she is dynamic, fluid, articulate, knowledgeable, humorous and inspiring.I was especially impressed with the interviews of T S Wiley and Julie Taguchi, MD. Suzanne Somers conveyed the cancer reduction benefits of extended breast feeding, early and multiple pregnancy more clearly, than Sex, Lies and Menopause. The evidence demonstrating hormone replacement reduced breast cancer deaths thirty percent, while decreasing inflammation, deserves wider publicity.Some of the physicians interviewed propose monthly cycling of progesterone and estrogen, citing research that monthly cycling, imitating the monthly menstrual period results in beneficial up-regulation of estrogen receptors.Florida Detox clinical experience verifies bioidentical hormone replacement can produce dramatic reductions of depression, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, migraine and interstitial cystitis.

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