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SuperLife: The 5 Forces That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, And Eternally Awesome

Eat. Drink. Detox. Breathe. Neutralize. Good health is that simple. In this groundbreaking health-and-lifestyle guide, nutritionist and superfoods expert Darin Olien provides the keys to understanding and utilizing five life forces - quality nutrition, hydration, detoxification, oxygenation, and alkalization - the factors that determine whether we will be healthy, fit, and free of illness. Olien has traveled the world, exploring the health properties of foods that have sustained indigenous cultures for centuries. Putting his research into practice, he tells how to maintain healthy weight, prevent even the most serious of diseases, and feel great - all without restrictive or gimmicky diet plans that never work in the long term. All too often we take note of our health only when something goes wrong. Daily aches and pains are deemed normal - a headache here and there, a sore back, occasional heartburn. But when a diagnosis comes, we are taken by surprise. However, these little complaints, Olien argues, shouldn't be taken lightly - they are signals of underlying problems, and when we ignore them, we invite disease. With a comprehensive, holistic, and unique approach to wellness, Olien teaches us how to harness the superpowers of food, water, oxygen, and pH balance. In doing so he smashes common myths about nutrition. Included in the audiobook are an indispensable "how to eat" user's guide with a shopping list, a balanced diet plan, and advice on what to throw away and on supplementing effectively, to get us started on the way to the best health of our lives.

Audible Audio Edition

Listening Length: 7 hours and 29 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: HarperAudio Release Date: July 21, 2015

Language: English


Best Sellers Rank: #224 in Books > Audible Audiobooks > Health, Mind & Body > Health #271 in Books > Audible Audiobooks > Health, Mind & Body > Diet & Nutrition #340 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss > Detoxes & Cleanses

This is hands down the best steps of how to live a healthier lifestyle. I am so glad I bought it! This great for the expert, as well as for the beginner. Whether you want to lose weight, feel better, get energize, clean your body, or simply supercharge your life. This is the book! For someone who has read over 500 books on nutrition. This is the best one yet!!!

Finally, a health/nutrition/fitness book with a sense of joy and fun and love of life instead of the usual doom and gloom doctors ordering us around and making good food and exercise sound like medicine. They're not! They're what keep us alive and juicy. Darin Olien is the real thing, and his advice is all scientifically sound, but he makes it sound cool. "Who do you want to give your money to, the doctor or the grocer, the farmer or the pharmacist?" Exactly! I'm buying more than one and giving them to the people I love.

I'm a dietitian, a certified health coach and a Beachbody coach. Because of my own passion for health, I've read (and continue to read) a ton of books on various health topics...and I scrutinize them all. I am always looking for sound advice, things that make sense from all angles, actions that can be taken by me (a motivated person) as well as by the average Joe...and it certainly helps when the material is written in a voice that is believable and understandable. This book exceeded my expectations on all fronts. Right from the start of the book, you can sense Darin's genuine nature, his love of health, and his desire to do things THE RIGHT WAY. He brings you immediately into his world, as a tour guide of sorts, and leads you on a journey to identify the 5 core things we can do to maximize our health, right now, and forever. It is a sensible approach, explained through his perspective (a self-declared "tree hugger"), which adds a dimension not usually present in other health books. Darin's real-world experiences are immensely valuable--he can teach us things that he has lived and experienced because of his hands-on approach. His plan is clearly outlined and his tips and advice are cleverly sprinkled throughout the book (so you won't want to skip a page or you might miss out on some of his wisdom, shared with you in his comfortable, call-it-like-it-is voice). The information he shares is backed up by clinical studies (to which he refers) as well as his unique, worldly experiences. As you read the book, you get the overall VISION of how to be healthy--and then, in the final chapters, you get concrete help on how to put these principles into play with the help of food lists, a 10-day meal plan plus recipes. I highly recommend this book as the BEST resource I currently know about to help anyone and everyone find a path to their best health.

If you are looking for a book on healthy eating and living, I suppose you could do worse than reading this one, but you'd have to really try. It's well-written and inspiring, but the information in it is pretty suspect and not based on current information. For example, in the section on eating well, Olien advises people to stay away from "unhealthy" foods like eggs and butter and instead stuff themselves with oat bran. Well, thanks for the nutrition advice from 1985, but even a brief scan of science headlines show this advice is completely wrong. His chapters on staying active and hydrating are great, but the book is so full of horrible basic scientific errors that you know it was just thrown together in the back of some California fitness center after hours. At some point he claims that the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere has dropped from 30% to only 15% in the last 100 years. In another section he advises people to put their water in clear containers and leave it exposed to sunlight because "water conducts energy" and this energized water will energize you when you drink it. You know who would love this book? A fact-checker getting paid by the hour. Still, there is some good advice here, even if it's nothing you haven't heard a thousand times, and he seems like a very likable, inspiring person with a good writing-style.

This is a powerful reminder to do what's right for ourselves and our health. Mr. Olien has written an accessible guide to better health for the lay person. It is an insightful, interesting read. Best of all, the book got me enthusiastic to do what's right for my well-being and fitness. And I'm an omnivore!

The thing I like most about this book is that it gives me permission to just agree that feeding the body well, hydrating, resting it, exercising it and adopting the paradigm that if you just lead with health - all other things fall into place. Im a long time fitness enthusiast on the windy journey to better health - I take the current info and try to process it and lead a better life - but I have to admit - I have had a few barriers when it comes to committing to better sources, better quality over convenience, taste, habit & is hard to be healthy - but we are worth it. And as a mom, I dont want to pick and choose what my kids do if it just suits me...I want them to start young with good habits - and yes - live in moderation but also live a superlife...that is what I liked most about this book...that I have permission to look at life from leading with health...the information was not all verifiable, and some of the studies used were remote and specific and even some of the advice was simplistic - but overall - I thought some of the more complex body systems were well explained - not too hard, not dumbed terms I understand and can wrap my head around. Superlife is a book that would be great if it was an audio as I would like to listen to it in the car!!!

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