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Clojure Applied: From Practice To Practitioner

Think in the Clojure way! Once you're familiar with Clojure, take the next step with extended lessons on the best practices and most critical decisions you'll need to make while developing. Learn how to model your domain with data, transform it with pure functions, manage state, spread your work across cores, and structure apps with components. Discover how to use Clojure in the real world, and unlock the speed and power of this beautiful language on the Java Virtual Machine.Clojure Applied gives you the practical, realistic advice and depth of field that's been missing from your development practice. You want to develop software in the most effective, efficient way possible. This book gives you the answers you've been looking for in friendly, clear language.Dive into the core concepts of Clojure: immutable collections, concurrency, pure functions, and state management. You'll finally get the complete picture you've been looking for, rather than dozens of puzzle pieces you must assemble yourself. First, explore the core concepts of Clojure development: learn how to model your domain with immutable data; choose the ideal collection; and write simple, pure functions for efficient transformation. Next you'll apply those core concepts to build applications: discover how Clojure manages state and identity; spread your work for concurrent programming; and create and assemble components. Finally, see how to manage external integration and deployment concerns by developing a testing strategy, connecting with other data sources, and getting your libraries and applications out the door.Go beyond the toy box and into Clojure's way of thinking. By the end of this book, you'll have the tools and information to put Clojure's strengths to work.What You Need:To follow along with the examples in the book, you will need Clojure 1.6, Leinegen 2, and Java 6 or higher.

File Size: 712 KB

Print Length: 220 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf; 1 edition (August 27, 2015)

Publication Date: October 7, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #399,636 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #42 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Languages & Tools > Lisp #56 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Functional #1564 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Software Design, Testing & Engineering > Software Development

Clojure Applied fills an important niche in the ecosystem of Clojure books by doing a couple things really, really well:1. The book conveys how to write programs in "Clojure style" exhibiting good judgment and taste. Clojure is not an especially difficult language to learn in terms of its constructs and syntax, but for many newcomers, it is difficult to learn how think and solve problems in the natural Clojure way. Furthermore, there are often several features in Clojure with overlapping functionality (e.g., protocols vs multimethods, records vs maps), and this book provides clear guidelines about the tradeoffs and which features are better to use when.2. The book is quite open about a number of "gotchas" in the language, and helps you avoid those pitfalls.Overall, the book is the next best thing to pairing with an expert Clojure programmer, and will likely shave months off of your Clojure ramp-up time.I rated the book 5 stars because there's nothing else on the market that offers exactly what this book does, and I consider this book an important step forward for the Clojure community. However, I should note that the book is by no means perfect. There is still room for improvement:* Chapter 6 is too high-level, and doesn't give enough specific examples. For example, the chapter talks about the importance in large projects of breaking out protocols, data structures, and implementations into separate namespaces, but doesn't really show how to do this. I personally have found it incredibly difficult to break large projects into separate namespaces without creating cyclic dependencies, and I consider this a real weakness of Clojure.

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