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WHY RELATIONSHIP FIRST WORKS - Why And How It Changes Everything

"Joe Camp is a master storyteller." - The New York TimesBest selling author Joe Camp and his wife Kathleen were lucky enough to discover the importance that trust plays in relationship before their first horse ever arrived. So that's where Joe began with each and every one of their herd. Letting each horse choose of his or her own free will to trust him. The beginning of relationship. And it made such an absolute difference for them right from the get-go. Their herd members are now all willing partners who never stop trying. Stacy Westfall says the best thing she ever did for her training is to do no training whatsoever until the relationship is right. Come along with Joe and Kathleen as they learn what to do, how to do it, and why. Immerse yourself in their story and learn how it very simply changed everything with their horses.With free Kindle apps, download this book to your computer, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, iPad, Kindle, or all of the above for one teeny little price of $2.99! The stories you love and the information you need will always be with you.What Readers and Critics Are Saying About Joe Camp:“Joe Camp is a gifted storyteller and the results are magical. Joe entertains, educates and empowers, baring his own soul while articulating keystone principles of a modern revolution in horsemanship.” Rick Lamb, Author and TV/Radio host “The Horse Show”"This book is fantastic It has given me shivers, made me laugh and cry, and I just can't seem to put it down!" Cheryl Pannier, WHO Radio AM 1040 Des Moines“One cannot help but be touched by Camp’s love and sympathy for animals and by his eloquence on the subject.” Michae Korda The Washington Post“Joe Camp is a natural when it comes to understanding how animals tick and a genius at telling us their story. His books are must-reads for those who love animals of any species.” Monty Roberts, Author of New York Times Best-seller The Man Who Listens to Horses“The tightly written, simply designed, and powerfully drawn chapters often read like short stories that flow from the heart. Camp has become something of a master at telling us what can be learned from animals, in this case specifically horses, without making us realize we have been educated, and, that is, perhaps, the mark of a real teacher.” Jack L. Kennedy, The Joplin Independent“This book is absolutely fabulous! An amazing, amazing book. You’re going to love it.” Janet Parshall’s America"Joe speaks a clear and simple truth that grabs hold of your heart." Yvonne Welz, Editor, The Horses Hoof Magazine“I got my book yesterday and hold Joe Camp responsible for my bloodshot eyes. I couldn't put it down and morning came early!!! Joe transports me into his words. And his love for not just horses, but all of God's critters pours out from every page.” Ruth Swander – Reader“I love this book! It is so hard to put it down, but I also don't want to read it too fast. I don't want it to end! Every person who loves an animal must have this book. I can't wait for the next one !!!!!!!!!” Nina Black Reid – Reader“I LOVED the book! I had it read in 2 days. I had to make myself put it down. Joe and Kathleen have brought so much light to how horses should be treated and cared for. Again, thank you!” Anita Large - Reader“LOVE the new book… reading it was such an emotional journey. Joe Camp is a gifted writer.” MaryKay Thul Longacre - Reader“The Soul of a Horse Blogged is insightful, enlightening, emotionally charged, hilarious, packed with wonderfully candid photography, and is masterfully woven by a consummate storyteller. Wonderful reading!” Harry H. MacDonald - Reader"I simply love the way Joe Camp writes. He stirs my soul. This is a must read book for everyone." Debbie K - Reader

File Size: 3882 KB

Print Length: 71 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: 14 Hands Press (November 27, 2013)

Publication Date: November 27, 2013

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #113,018 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #18 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Children's Nonfiction > Sports & Activities > Sports #32 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Animal Care & Pets > Horses #111 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Sports & Outdoors

I got this since it was cheap. As I started to read, I realized I had already read this and in fact, at the end of the meat of the whole "book", they mentioned that this was an excerp from another book. Bascially this short publication is an infomercial on Monty Roberts and his join up technique. The first 53% of it keeps pushing this, with a little story of what the author experienced with his horses. Okay, all of us horse owners can relate--we've seen and shared special moments with our horses. The rest of the book was just references to other sources, which is helpful if you are new into horses and looking for ways to learn.*Side note--I have to comment on the whole "join up" thing. I've seen Monty Roberts and have done join up many times with horses. Pretty much all natural horseman do this in one form or another. You don't need to chase a horse around a round pen to join up. I've seen Monty and John Lyons chase horses to the point the horses are exhausted and they just give up. THIS is not relationship-building. I've done a join up in an open arena, in a pasture, even standing outside a stall of an abused horse that was so terrified of humans he wouldn't let them get close.(getting him in the stall was a major deal) The horse "joined up" with me standing outside his stall and I went in the stall with him after that. So if you are wanting to build a relationship with a horse, don't think a round pen is essential. I personally recommend Pat Parelli, have used his philosophy and techniques for years.To conclude, about this "book", you can read it in about 15 minutes and it's really not a book, just so you know.

People think they know everything about their horse... Lemme tell ya there is always something else to learn. It will help you have a better relationship with your horse if you understand certain things about them. This book offers insight that helps a lot.

Joe Camp is a proponent of Monty Roberts "Join up" techniques, and the director of the "Benji" films.I have read some negative comments about Monty Roberts and his ranch, so, if you are a Monty hater, don't let that put you off. If you expect this book to be totally about "Join up" techniques, it's not that either.This is a completely delightful book about Joe, his wife, his horses, his experiences training them, some "Benji" stories, and a story about a wild horse, and a native American woven into alternate chapters.This is a story about a man and his horses, his love for them, and indeed all animals, his triumphs and some failures as well.I was sad to get to the end of it, because I enjoyed this book so much.

For anyone that rides or has a horse that they love..... this book is a must. It teaches you how important it is to have a relationship with your horse.

This should be required reading for all of those "You'll do it because I SAID SO" horse people. If you read a horse book and the famous author starts out by saying that horses just want you to feed them, do what they want, then leave them alone, come back to this gentleman's books.

I thought I was getting a book, but it was more like a series of essays from another book. No complaint about the content, but I'd already read the book these essays came from, so it was a waste of money. I'll keep it on hand as a quick read for my horse-loving friends to spark their interest in a more natural way of keeping horses.

Starting with the Horse Whisperer, Monty Roberts, there are just more folks in the equestrian field affirming the relationship approach to working with horses effectively - without having to hogtie them and break them. But the lessons always carry over as to effective relationships with others - on the human level. These horsemanship principles are universal and bring great insights in working with the marginalized, too - as in ministry or social work. Highly recommend!

I read "Soul of a Horse" some time ago and loved it. I thought this would be a nice addition to my Joe Camp library. NOT! It is just about entirely excerpts from the "Soul" book. At only 59 pages, lots of which are merely lists of other places to go for information, it really is more of a pamphlet than a book, and is way over-priced for what it is. I was truly disappointed to skim through it in about 10 minutes and realize I had already read most of it in the previous book. Don't waste your money on this.

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