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Introductory Circuit Analysis

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in DC/AC circuits: conventional flow   The Latest Insights in Circuit Analysis Introductory Circuit Analysis, the number one acclaimed text in the field for over three decades, is a clear and interesting information source on a complex topic. The Thirteenth Edition contains updated insights on the highly technical subject, providing readers with the most current information in circuit analysis. With updated software components and challenging review questions at the end of each chapter, this text engages readers in a profound understanding of Circuit Analysis.

File Size: 56802 KB

Print Length: 1224 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 2 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits

Publisher: Pearson; 13 edition (April 2, 2015)

Publication Date: April 2, 2015

Language: English


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Best Sellers Rank: #477,917 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #205 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Electricity Principles #236 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Electronics #597 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Circuits

Circuit analysis is a very intense, math-oriented field. The objective is to be able to predict a voltage or current at ANY spot in a circuit, and be sure the circuit is efficient vs. the laws of electricity and electronics. LINEAR circuits can use techniques like complex numbers, substitution, simplification, etc., but NON LINEAR means you're getting into the most advanced math on the planet: Fourier transforms, matrix calculus, linear algebra, tensors, systems of inequality equations, and much more. Even a single semiconductor (eg. pn diode) makes the circuit nonlinear, as do time varying components, oscillators, etc., so-- tough subject.That means that most Engineering, academic texts are out of the reach of many undergrads unless they got through linear algebra. LaPlace transforms, graph theory, wavelets, etc. are all ADVANCED topics. So, you get an electronics text instead, learn the basics, but really miss out on WHY the circuits are doing what they are doing. This is where this book shines! The author does an AMAZING job of covering real analysis without resorting to calculus hardly at all-- making the book PERFECT for hobbyists, self study, and electronics "techs."In fact, he covers a LOT of basic electronics too-- you can really start with NO knowledge of the difference between a capacitor and resistor, and progress all the way through 555's, transistors, op-amps and all the rest! I review books for library purchasers and out of the 25 top electronics and analysis texts, I'd rate this #1 for self study/ beginners, in BOTH electronics and circuit analysis! Then, if you want to go farther, go ahead and explore the linear algebra/ Fourier etc. calculus based texts.

Introductory Circuit Analysis by Robert Boylestead is an advanced electronics and circuit theory textbook. This book covers everything from an introduction to static control devices to advanced Thevenin and nodal circuit analysis. The book is very in depth and covers almost everything you need for a first and second advanced electronics course. There are many problems that I have with this textbook. While the book is full of knowledge and important equations, it is almost impossible to follow sometimes. There were many points in the book where the author is just spitting out equation after equation without any explanation at all. I found myself lost many times during my weekly assignments. The main reason for this was that I'm currently attending an online college and this book needed to be explained in depth by an instructor. The book also seemed to lack enough real world examples to help the reader understand the course material. My biggest gripe about the book was the consistent mistakes made in the example sections, mainly solutions to math problems used for circuit analysis. After not having seen this type of math in over 10 years, I had to teach it to myself all over again. When I was looking at the examples in the textbook and trying to learn the math, I was consistently thrown off due to the wrong answer being written. I spent many hours trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. One usually assumes that a textbook answer is always correct, especially in a 12th edition. After spending 150 bucks to use this book for an 8 week period, incorrect equations and typos will frustrate the reader even more. This book is not for everyone, it's especially not for students in online electronics classes. I found that out the hard way.

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