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The Complete Middle East Cookbook


Hardcover: 374 pages

Publisher: Charles E. Tuttle Co.; Reprint edition (1993)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1863020691

ISBN-13: 978-1863020695

Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 7.9 x 1.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.2 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (50 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,675,049 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #57 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Regional & International > European > Turkish

In 1984 I was in college, living in an international married-student housing complex, where I quickly developed a large number of friends, including several who were from the Middle East and were in Oregon to study. We used to gather in the courtyard between our ramshackle (but very cheap) apartments for casual potlucks to share our favorite dishes. The food was always varied and quite wonderful. However, the cooks wouldn't always part with their mothers' "secret" family recipes. So I went cookbook shopping. The full-color photos of dishes in Mallos' book were worth the purchase price alone. Using the clearly written recipies, I prepared Lebanese, Arab, Greek and other dishes I had tasted at our informal dinners. Then I got brave and tried new ones. My friends and family RAVED. Several of my closest Middle Eastern friends even seemed a little jealous...they finally told me that I cooked their favorites better than did their mothers, and they went out and bought copies of the cookbook for themselves! You will find how easy it is to make hummous, olive-oil-infused flatbreads, tabouleh, and a score of other now-trendy dishes you pay a fortune for at the deli. The spanokopita is divine, with the golden, buttery phyllo leaves melting in your mouth to reveal the tang of feta melded with the spinach, onions, and toasted pine nuts. Mallos' book also contains the recipe for the BEST baklava anyone has ever tasted (at least of those I've served it to). A million calories a bite, but well worth it!

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