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Learn To Code HTML And CSS: Develop And Style Websites (Voices That Matter)

HTML and CSS can be a little daunting at first but fear not. This book, based on Shay Howe's popular workshop covers the basics and breaks down the barrier to entry, showing readers how they can start using HTML and CSS through practical techniques today. They'll find accompanying code examples online, while they explore topics such as the different structures of HTML and CSS, and common terms. After establishing a basic understanding of HTML and CSS a deeper dive is taken into the box model and how to work with floats. The book includes an exercise focused on cleaning up a web page by improving the user interface and design, solely using HTML and CSS. With a few quick changes the web page changes shape and comes to life. Interactive, technically up-to-the-minute and easy-to-understand, this book will advance a student's skills to a professional level.

File Size: 11545 KB

Print Length: 302 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits

Publisher: New Riders; 1 edition (April 22, 2014)

Publication Date: April 22, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #330,807 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #59 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Languages & Tools > CSS #188 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Web Site Design #781 in Books > Computers & Technology > Web Development & Design > Web Design

I'm not just rating the book, but also the support site. Shay offers the gift of great instruction on line with not a penny charged. It was so perfect, and helpful to me, I bought the book in support of Shay's generosity. It turns out the book let me do the reading of each chapter and gave me a little time away from the monitor and keyboard. Then I would return to the online content to apply and practice what I was learning.Shay is clearly an expert in his field of web design and development and gives the gift of instruction through many outlets and venues including local (to Shay) in-person training. If you are new to web dev like me or just wanting to class up your act I don't think you'll be disappointed with this book or the HTML & CSS online content, including a series of advanced lessons.

Howe is one of the most accessible writers on the subject of HTML & CSS(and more!), but he doesn't pull any punches with quality or depth. This book covers a tremendous amount of knowledge in a way that doesn't just get you moving, but makes the techniques memorable through practical examples.

I'm still reading this book and still learning, but one thing that I wish could be different, at least in the Kindle version I'm reading, would be to see the mockup of the site we're working toward building. In all the learning I've done so far through other outlets, it seems that you start with the design, but going through this book and building the site feels like I have a blindfold on. The instructions in the book are clear and my site is shaping up and looking identical to the little screenshots the author provides as we go along, but I would like to know what we're building toward. Just a few simple pages in the beginning with some screenshots of the built site, or at least some mockups, would give me a much clearer picture.

Thanks to Shay, the front-end web made a whole lot more sense to me than previous courses I'd completed.Shay's step-by-step technique of building a website from scratch (entirely out of HTML and CSS) is fantastic. At the end, you have yourself a complete professional looking website, which you can use as a template building block. The up to date information (together with historical context) is valuable and ensures that you are being taught the essentials of semantic markup and accessibility considerations.

While this isn't a review of the book, I gave five stars because of Shay's generosity in offering instructions on web...I've just discovered Shay Howe's website: and it looks very good initially. I've been learning bits and pieces here and there: Udacity, Udemy,, W3Schools, etc...I'm reviewing material on his website. If I like it, I'll either order the Kindle version of this book or simply find way to give donation.

I can only think of one programming book,The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie, that made learning to program an enjoyable experience for me without dumbing down the subject or making me feel dumb. Now I found another, Lean to Code HTML & CSS: Develop & Style Websites by Shay Howe; simple and concise and yet complete and comprehensible; an absolute masterpiece! It is a must for anyone who is venturing out into the world of web development.

Very clear description of all steps, has HTML5/CSS3 making more sense to me than ever before. Take the time to work along with the In Practice sections; it's really impressive how clear HTML/CSS can be when it's properly structured, and Shay's sense of organization is terrific.

I only read first few chapters, but already hooked up. It help me reinforce my knowledge of html and CSS. However, if you are an absolute beginner, this is also an essential text book to start with.

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