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The Basque Table: Passionate Home Cooking From One Of Europe's Great Regional Cuisines

In Europe, the Basques are known for their creativity in the kitchen and their long-enduring culinary heritage. In the Spanish Basque country itself, food and eating are the center of everyday life and the focus of endless conversation. Basque women lovingly pass on their cooking techniques to daughters and granddaughters, and Basque men, who belong to traditional cooking clubs called txokos, themselves enjoy lingering over stove and table.

Hardcover: 244 pages

Publisher: Harvard Common Press (October 1, 1998)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1558321403

ISBN-13: 978-1558321403

Product Dimensions: 7.6 x 1 x 9.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (34 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #355,689 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #88 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Regional & International > European > Spanish #183 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Regional & International > International #2973 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Cooking Methods

Teresa Barrenechea's book allows you to revel in the sophistication of Basque cooking in your own home. Very aware that not everyone has the time to experiment with three course meals she also includes Basque tapas, or snacks. The recipes are simple to follow but remain authentically Basque - just as Teresa's food in her New York restaurant 'Marichu' is a must for any Basque or Spanish exile in New York longing for the tastes of home. Barrenechea is well known in Basque gourmet circles as the true ambassador of Basque cooking in the USA.In Spain, Basque cooking is without doubt considered the cuisine with a more sophisticated heritage than any other, possibly because the Basques, more than any other people on the Iberian peninsula have long had a deep love affair with food! Many Basque cultural rituals center around food, such as the traditionally male-only cooking clubs.Read Teresa's book if you want to taste one of Europe's best cuisines - and then come and visit us here!

Teresa Barrenchea's BASQUE TABLE is not about the Basque cooking of the American West, or about chic restaurant food produced by a chef with Basque roots. Rather, this book is about the authentic home cooking of the Basques of Spain. Since I'm generally familiar with Mediterranean cooking, many of the recipes sounded familiar to me at first. But, the more I read of Barrenechea's warm prose, the more I came to see Spanish Basque cooking as a unique cuisine, from a very special place indeed. And every time I try one of the recipes on my husband and kids, they claim a new family favorite. This book is getting a lot of use in my house!

"The Basque Table" author Teresa Barrenechea asserts that the Basques are even more enamored of food and cooking than the French. There is a strong seafood tradition here, as well as a hearty embrace of meat. A recipe for roast suckling pig is given, not to mention recipes for oxtails, braised rabbit, venison, and sundry organ meats. I didn't happen to have a suckling pig handy, but the pinchos (like Spanish tapas) I made from these recipes were yummy.Co-author Mary Goodbody is, as I understand it, adept at putting non-American cookbooks into American terms for ease of use. If that was her job here, she did it superbly. There's nothing the average (or even slightly less than average) American cook can't try in "The Basque Table."As for complaints that the book shows too much Spanish influence, all I can say is get out your globe and take a look. The Basques live wedged between Spain and France so it's entirely natural that their cuisine would be heavily influenced by those two countries. The beauty of the Basque cuisine is that it plucks what it likes from Spanish and French cooking and makes it wholly Basque.

My husband asked for this book for Christmas after he'd checked in out from our local library several times. It's out of print and I bought it used, hoping we'd get a decent copy. It was in exceptional shape, and actually signed by the author. We had a good chuckle about it being signed "To Carolyn" though. He's already earmarked two recipes we'll be trying soon. Thumbs up on this educational recipe book.

This is the best Basque cookbook I have come across. The recipes are the closest to my Ama (mom) and Amuma's (grandmother's) cooking as I have found. My Tio Joe was shocked at my Solomo (Marinated Pork Loin With Roasted Red Peppers)! He said he hadn't tasted it like that since his last trip to the "old country"! He passed away a few years ago and that compliment will stay with me forever. I bought this copy for my niece who is getting married this weekend! Ondo!

Absolutely love Basque cooking! Bought this item because daughter had bought one and we wanted one too. The Basque area is located in Southwestern France and Northern Spain, and their cooking is extremely tasty and healthy. Cookbooks of the area in English are hard to find, so this book is ideal for us.

Her Book is the best Basque Cook book on the market. We are a cooking equipment store and cooking school for the chef at home. Boise Idaho host the largest population of Basque people outside of Spain. He is exactly right with ingrediants and steps in preparing Basque Foods.

I do agree with Mr. Angel Ibañez de Aldecoa. I have been to her restaurant in New York and with great sorprise I found in her menus one of my favorites recipes whose owner and creator is one of my best friends in Madrid. She should be very careful about taking recipes from real chefs or at least recognice who the creator of the recipe is. I think this book has a wide range of recipes but some of them are Spanish and not exclusivly from BASQUE COUNTRY. I think the book could be better if she were a real professional chef with great experience.

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