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Beginning Visual C++ 6

What is this book about? Visual C++ 6.0 was released in 1998 as a component of Visual Studio 6.0. For three years, until the launch of Visual Studio .NET to support the .NET Framework, it was Microsoft's premier development product. Now five service packs old, version 6.0 remains the environment of choice for many developers who haven't yet made the move to .NET. If your aim is to learn how to program in C++ on the Windows platform, with all the help offered by the Visual Studio interface, Visual C++ 6.0 remains a sound choice. What does this book cover? Beginning Visual C++ 6 can be broken down into four sections. The first is a fast-paced but thorough tutorial to the C++ language, punctuated with interesting and worthwhile example programs. After that, you'll learn about object orientation with C++, and how this relates to Windows programming - the section ends with the design and implementation of a sizable class-based C++ application. The third part of the book walks the reader through creating Windows applications using the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC). This includes the following: Outputting to the screen and printer Creating menus, toolbars, and dialogs Debugging your program Responding to a user's actions To illustrate the theory, this section also includes the complete implementation of a simple but fully-featured drawing application. The final section comprises a grounding in programmatic database access, an introduction to Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM), and examples of how to create ActiveX controls using both MFC and the Active Template Library (ATL). This book was voted .com's C++ Book of the Year in 1998. It contains countless examples for you to follow and experiment with, and there are challenging exercises and model solutions in every chapter. Who is this book for? This book is for anyone who wants to learn C++ and Windows programming with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. Although progress will be easier if you have some experience of a programming discipline, an adept newcomer will also succeed in taming object-oriented programming and writing real Windows applications.

Paperback: 1224 pages

Publisher: Wrox; 1 edition (August 26, 1998)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0764543881

ISBN-13: 978-0764543883

Product Dimensions: 7.3 x 2.3 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.4 pounds

Average Customer Review: 3.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (128 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,930,278 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #41 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Languages & Tools > C & C++ > Visual C++ #303 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Languages & Tools > C & C++ > Tutorials #613 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Languages & Tools > C & C++ > C

This text of nearly 1,200 pages attempts to do it all: take a neophyte with little or no knowledge of programming and 1) teach C++ programming - not just a quick once over, but the whole darned language, right from soup to nuts; and 2)teach Microsoft Windows programming in C++, including full coverage of Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) and ActiveX controls; and 3)oh yeah, just as a side note, also teach the use of the Visual C++ integrated development environment!This is just not possible to do in 'merely' 1200 pages; 3,000 might be more appropriate, and 4,000 would certainly not be wasted. So it's not surprising that there's a slight sense of brevity in some of the topics covered.What is truly amazing is just how well Horton manages to pull this off. A combination of skilled writing, careful editing and towering educational skill has resulted in what must truly rate as THE single best text out there on Visual C++ programming. No other book even comes close; no other book is even in the same ball park. This book sets a new standard of excellence that, sadly, most authors will never achieve.The book starts with a quick 1 chapter 'once over' of the Microsoft Visual C++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE), explaining how to start a simple DOS window application and pointing out various useful features of the editor. At the end of this chapter you won't be an expert in the IDE, but you will be able to get a project created, a file started and start entering code.From here to about the half way point Horton does a masterful job of teaching the practical basics of programming in C++. He not only teaches the language, syntax, and idiosyncrasies; he also teaches basic programming concepts, covering such topics as decision structures, loops, strings, sorting...

I work as a C++ developer but was new to MFC before reading this book. It's important to note that the first half is about C++, the second half is about MFC and is equivalent to the other Wrox book: Beginning MFC Programming. I only read (and did most of the extra exercises too!) the second half of the book since I already knew C++ quite well.The author's approach is to have you build up a fairly substantial and functional MFC app by adding more and more advanced features to it as you go along. It's a sketching/drawing application and will interest you if you like graphics apps. Other books tend to take a different approach - they tend to show very simple applications or code snipets to demonstrate each new MFC feature/topic. Horton's approach is different - you will be mostly working with the same app for several chapters. This has the benefit of showing you how to structure a non-trivial Visual C++/MFC application. Advanced C++ programmers typically alreadyknow how to structure large programs and probably don't need this - they usually prefer to see simple code examples that illustrate how the class is used. Maybe that's why you see a lot of negative reviews here from people looking for the ultimate MFC book which is not the intent of this book.Horton shows you a design philosophy that you will see over and over again - the concept of creating document objects/classes that can "draw" themselves given a device context. e.g. pShape->Draw(pDC, ...);Beginners will probably have a lot of difficulty understanding the mapping mode (MM_ANISOTROPIC, etc) topics. Horton includes it because it's important for graphics apps like Sketcher. He actually explains things better and more completely than advanced MFC books.

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