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Molly Goldberg Jewish Cookbook

Classic, traditional Jewish cookbook. The real thing.

Paperback: 324 pages

Publisher: Joel Fram & Associates (September 1, 1999)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0966983300

ISBN-13: 978-0966983302

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.7 x 5.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (29 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #456,615 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #155 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Diet > Kosher #5107 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Regional & International

I've been using this book for almost forty years. It includes many traditional Eastern European traditional recipes that are time tested and easy to follow. When I got married, this became my wife's number one cookbook. It is now falling apart and I am ordering another one. These are the recipes that I remember from my childhood. Additionally the recipes can be followed by one who is not a cook.

This is the best, easiest-to-follow traditional Jewish recipe book I know of. I've have a paperback from the 1960's that I've held together with rubber bands, since it was out of print and unreplacable. I'm glad to see it's been reprinted. Whenever I've made anything from this book, my kitchen smells the way my grandmother's--and my husband's grandmother's--once did. I love this book and I'm giving it to friends and relatives, who I know will appreciate it.

In my library of over 100 cookbooks, many of them Jewish in content, this is the one I consult first before looking at any others. The recipes are truly wonderful, easy to follow and typical of the Jewish cookery I was brought up on. I have given copies of the book to my children and friends interested in the "real thing" and they all agree with me. The blintzes are outstanding and never let me down. It's the 1 book I couldn't be without to try "new old recipes".

I bought this cookbook about 35 years ago when I had a Jewish boyfriend, a New Yorker who landed in Texas for graduate school and had brought me a bagel from New York as a kind of courtship gift. I had no idea who Molly Goldberg really was until many years later when someone told me about the radio program. Anyway, I come from Texas German Czech stock, so cooking dumplings and cabbage rolls and soups is second nature to me and I used this book until it fell apart. I am buying another one. One time I made the calf tongue baked with tomatoes and I am not kidding you that neighborhood cats lined up on the fence across from my kitchen window and meowed and howled until I brought them a little bit of the neck of the tongue (which has a very naughty name in yiddish). The instructions on what to do with lox wings and bits are great. I tried it out at Zabar's after I moved to New York. Knedlock with chicken broth, (sp) and the stuffed cabbage rolls are great.(grate the onion) I recommend it with all my heart.

The Jewish mother/family humor is dated and a little over the top, but it doesn't matter. The recipes are great. This is genuine, unmodernized Ashkenazi cooking, the way my grandma cooked. There's a great selection of recipes for every occasion--everyday, Shabbat, and holidays. No fancy ingredients, and the recipes are easy to follow.If you want to wallow in nostalgia, this is it.

I cook weekly church dinners for 60 to 75 people. All this winter, in the interest of understanding, we are inviting guest speakers of several different faiths to come to our dinners. And when they come I cook dinners appropriate to their dietary requirements. Since I didn't have any Jewish cookbooks, I needed authentic recipes. I chose this book because of the great reviews. And I can say they were right.These are real recipes for real home cooking and they are delicious. When people said this was their grandmothers' cooking they were telling the truth. You will see the eastern European influence in these recipes (think Polish, Russian, German) and you'll find that most of them are really very simple. I've found that simple food usually is the best. It's worth the price of the book just to have the chopped liver recipe. I've been trying to make a pate' to please my picky husband for years and I've finally done it with this recipe. I'm having a wonderful time cooking my way through this book and every recipe has met with rave reviews.

Thirty-six years ago, I attended a party where cheese blintzes were served. It was my first blintz, and I had never tasted anything so delicious. I asked the hostess about the recipe and she handed me the Molly Goldberg Jewish Cookbook. I went out and bought this paperback ($.95, I believe!). There is a Jewish Deli in Cincinnati, Izzy's, and my husband had always enjoyed their Lima Bean Soup. I called Izzy for the recipe, and he laughed me off the phone ... wouldn't share. Well, lo and behold, a recipe was right there in Molly Goldberg. I have made this soup ever since. Lima Bean Soup was the Thursday soup, and they have at last removed it from the menu. I guess this recipe is not modern enough. But it is certainly authentic.

If you omit the baking powder from the Potato Kugel, you have my grandma's kugel. The latke recipe is the written version of what my mother and grandmother used to make every year, and I can't wait to try the kreplach. Looking at this cookbook is like mentally eating my childhood.

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