Series: Dover Books on Electrical Engineering
Paperback: 490 pages
Publisher: Dover Publications; 2nd Revised and Enlarged ed. edition (June 1, 1970)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0486209733
ISBN-13: 978-0486209739
Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 1.1 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (49 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #38,901 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #55 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Electronics #394 in Books > Science & Math > Physics #410 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Home Improvement & Design
I have been an Avionics Tech. for 30 years and bought this book for my son-in-law. I have had a copy and used it for years to brush up on sometimes forgoten electrical principals. This book is so good that the aircraft technical schools issue it to aviation mechanics for the AC and DC basics. If you want to understand electricity, motors, generators, AC/DC theory...This book is for you!!!!!
This book is a fantastic reference guide to those interested in the field of Electricity. I found it extremely useful, both as a guideline for choosing my rating in the Navy's Nuclear Power Program, and as a basic reference guide in application. It is well thought out, and, laid out in a logical straight forward matter. This book, coupled with some basic knowledge of electricity, will give you a broad theoretical background in this fundamental subject.
Well presented,well organized, easy to follow, many many illustrations. This book explains in very easy to understand language tha basic principles of electricity. I highly recommend it.
I am a 76 year-old man who tries to maintain brain function by studying schollarly topics. DC electricity is the present obsession,so the knowledge can be applied to an entheusiasm for solar panels.I bought several texts to be able to benefit from different author's versions of how to solve the variety of math problems. I was never satisfied with any of them, so kept looking.On Books was listed an old US Navy Textbook, used by the entire Seventh Fleet, which included my ship, during the Korean war.Feeling good about the idea, I purchased it.The other texts, all partly read, now sit on a shelf.The Navy book, talks to your thinking like one man speaking to another, covers EVERY topic in such a thorough manner that I never have used any of the other resource books . . . which were all originally bought, one at a time to be the only text.The book speaks logic and reason to this old mind, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to be as good as the military Men and Woman who run our present day technology in the war zones.
This is a really good textbook for the person who is just geeting in to the field of electricity. I am studying to become an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer and I found this book extremely helpfull. It doesn't go in to too much depth which is good because you don't get confused with what you are tryingn to learn. All in all, a really good book.
I went through the Naval Nuclear Power School as an Electricians Mate, and this book is an amazing additional supplement to the classes.It's not very good if you're trying to learn on your own, but is a great tool with great examples if you're actually in some kind of school to learn about electricity.I still use this book as a reference. I highly recommend it.
.This is the same material used to train ALL of the technicians in ALL of the electronics ratings in the US Navy. I used this book, or one of its earlier versions, when I rode a Submarine in the Eighties.The US Navy is the most technologically advanced combat force in human history. And this is the material used to train their techs.'Nuff said.
Still the most comprehensive book on the fundamentals of electricity, They used to make all kinds of instructional books and videos for the military, back when they were completely self sufficient. This is one of those books. No need for anything else.
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