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The Food And Cooking Of Colombia & Venezuela: Traditions, Ingredients, Tastes, Techniques, 65 Classic Recipes

Fully illustrated with 400 photographs, feast on food that celebrates the South American love of street parties, carnivals and hospitality, and create authentic Colombian and Venezuelan dishes in your own kitchen.

Hardcover: 128 pages

Publisher: Lorenz Books; Food & Cooking of edition (November 16, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1903141834

ISBN-13: 978-1903141830

Product Dimensions: 9.7 x 0.6 x 11.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (10 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #582,128 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #115 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Regional & International > Latin American #257 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Regional & International > International

I was really disappointed by this book. It would be okay if your interest is Colombian cooking because it has lots of apparently authentic recipes and cultural information. However, when it comes to Venezuelan cooking, the title can only be characterized as fraudulent. There are only a few recipes from Venezuela. The information about holidays is only about Colombian holidays and the other information about food and culture is misleading because it lumps Venezuela and Colombia together.I've never lived in Colombia, but I did live in Venezuela and I can say without hesitation that no real Venezuelan would approve of how his/her country is portrayed in this book. The author was born in Colombia (but came to the US at a young age) and her only connection with Venezuela mentioned in the book is that her grandfather was a Venezuelan. So, she learned about "hayacas" (that is the spelling in the book, instead of "hallacas"). However, with the one recipe included in this book, it is obvious that she didn't learn that every Venezuelan household has its own signature recipe for this traditional Christmas dish. I could go on, but I'll stop before I get too worked up. There are only a couple of other recipes that purport to be from Venezuela.If you are interested in Venezuelan cooking, find a copy of a Scannone cookbook Mi Cocina a La Manera De Caracas (rojo)and dust out your Spanish dictionary or, better yet, learn Spanish well enough to use the authentic recipes. This book on Colombian cooking should have printed the word "Venezuela" in the title with a tiny font, because that would more accurately reflect the book's content. The book gives short shrift to Venezuelan cooking.

This book is very interesting, if what you are looking for are Colombian recipes. However, nothing in here relates to Venezuela, not even the arepas. While there are many ways to make arepas depending on the region, the typical Venezuelan arepas was not included here. Actually, not one recipe is Venezuelan. The traditional Venezuelan HaLLacas (misspelled in the book), are nothing like what was described in the book. I would have bought this book anyway, even if the title only read "The Food and Cooking of COLOMBIA", but because I was looking for more Venezuelan recipes, I feel deceived.

Absolutely love this book. The author has done an outstanding job with the photos and explanations of Colombian recipes. I am Colombian and have bought 4 of these books for gifts to my friends and family, and I even got one for myself. For my friends, it's nice that they can learn so much about my culture (in a nutshell), and for me, I feel that even though I was born and raised in Colombia, I don't know all the traditional recipes and this book has helped me greatly.It's certainly one of its kind, the photos are amazing and the recipes are truly fantastic! Thanks Patricia!

I was an exchange student in Venezuela 6 years ago and have since attempted duplicating some of the dishes I grew to love while out there but was always missing that special'something' that I couldnt put my hands on. Thanks to this book, I can now make the dishes identical to what I had while there. LOVE it! I also like that it gives you a little history on some of the dishes/ingrediants and provides many awesome vibrant pictures.

Sent it back...You must be a seafood lover to enjoy this book..I had to send it back...I am allergic to seafood.

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