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Analog Integrated Circuit Design

The 2nd Edition of Analog Integrated Circuit Design focuses on more coverage about several types of circuits that have increased in importance in the past decade. Furthermore, the text is enhanced with material on CMOS IC device modeling, updated processing layout and expanded coverage to reflect technical innovations. CMOS devices and circuits have more influence in this edition as well as a reduced amount of text on BiCMOS and bipolar information. New chapters include topics on frequency response of analog ICs and basic theory of feedback amplifiers.  

Hardcover: 816 pages

Publisher: Wiley; 2 edition (December 13, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0470770104

ISBN-13: 978-0470770108

Product Dimensions: 7.7 x 1.3 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (8 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #595,491 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #88 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Circuits > Integrated #184 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Electrical & Electronics > Circuits > Design #117180 in Books > Textbooks

I noted that the reviewers who reviewed this book highly indicated they already knew the subject and worked in the field. This review is for students who do not already know the subject well.1) This should not really be listed as a "2nd Edition" - many schools automatically upgrade to 2nd edition books without reviewing them, and this book is unfortunately not as good as the 1st edition. Although it does contain a lot of the 1st edition in it, it also removes some of the helpful equations, while leaving in end-of-chapter questions requiring those equations.2) The chapters are very long, and full of equations, but do not have many explanations and don't seem to give enough information to answer the questions at the end of the chapter. For example, Chapter 1 is approximately 70 pages long with 186 equations in it, yet does not contain all the equations you need to know to do the end-of-chapter homework.3) The book has a lot of errors - there is an error page on the author's website, but it doesn't begin to cover all the errors. Supposedly errors were corrected two years before I bought my new book at full price, but it still had the errors. For example, there is a table in chapter 1 and in the back of the book - the same table, but some of the values are randomly different!4) This book keeps assuming you already know what it is supposedly teaching. I am not sure what the audience for this book would be. It says it is for graduate students, or upper-level undergraduates. However, if you know the subject well enough to follow what he is doing, you don't need the book. If you don't know it, you won't learn it from this. Things are very poorly explained, or it is often just assumed that you know some of the very things the chapter is supposed to teach you.

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