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The 100: Count ONLY Sugar Calories And Lose Up To 18 Lbs. In 2 Weeks

Here is the new dietary scienceFor years, experts have told you that "calories in, calories out" is the weight-loss solution. THEY WERE WRONG. Stunning new science has shown that certain calories do not need to be counted—EVER! This updated paperback edition, including all new recipes, will teach you to distinguish the calories that matter from the ones that do not, and will show you why counting 100 Sugar Calories promotes weight loss, helping you to lose up to 18 pounds in 2 weeks and keep it off. It's time to see where dietary science is today.

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks; Reprint edition (December 30, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0062249126

ISBN-13: 978-0062249128

Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 0.7 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (946 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #9,553 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #62 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Diet > Weight Loss #116 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss > Weight Loss #245 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss > Other Diets

My husband and I decided to try this diet after seeing it on a talk show. Like others mentioned, it does NOT have a comprehensive menu/recipe section. But that's okay. It does have the basics on what you can or cannot eat. Yes it is similar to Atkins, in that it restricts carbs, but that's where all similarities end. It isn't as restrictive, and you don't have to count exact numbers (I have fudged on my count on more than one occasion), and yet you can still lose weight.Here are our results. We have been on this diet since the end of July. My husband did not weigh himself. I did. I am over 50, 5-9 and weighed in at 164. Every time I went on a diet in the past, I'd lose a few pounds (7 average) then, once I went off I always gained a few more than I started with. In 20 years, I've never been able to diet and lose more than 10 pounds, and certainly not keep it off. In ten weeks, following a semi-close rendition of this diet, and adding walking to my daily routine (and nothing else), I lost 20 pounds. At first the weight came off fast. As I eventually neared what my (old) normal weight was, it slowed. (And I probably would have continued to lose, except for that pizza I just had to have. When you pass your fave pizza place, resist!) I went from a size 12-14 to a size 8. To me the most amazing part was that I lost weight in my stomach and hips, not my face (which on other diets has always given me a gaunt look).My husband suffered from arthritis in both knees and was talking about knee replacement. He has been on every diet under the sun. (We both have done Atkins, lost 10 pounds while on it, then bounced right back the moment we stopped. It was just too hard to stay on.

I first heard about this diet on Doctor Oz after receiving an email from Jorge. Dr. Oz continuously pushes the next diet fad almost every month. Jorge was on Dr. Oz pitching his latest fad diet. Cruise says if you count sugar calories you can lose 18 pounds in just two weeks. Although Jorge is marketing this book for carb lovers, this is a very low carb diet. If you love fruit and wheat, this diet is not for you. Jorge tells us that we can substitute wheat flour with coconut, almond, and flax flour. The only problem: He doesn't tell us how. There are no recipes in this book. While the book is not particularly laid out well, the diet does work if you can stick to it.As others mentioned, the book boils down to this premise: You are limited to only 100 sugar calories per day. By sugar calories, he is referring to all carbs. That is 25 grams of non fibrous carbs since each gram of carbohydrate is 4 calories. Fruit and starchy vegetables count as part of the 25 grams of carbs. On this diet carbs = sugar.On Atkins, you are supposed to eat a total of less than 20 grams of net carbs(carbs minus fiber) per day during the first phase. This is a refined version of Atkins.Jorge tells us in addition to the 100 sugar calories we can also eat what he calls "Freebies." Freebies include proteins, non starchy vegetables, herbs, cheese, and nuts. We are told that we can eat as much of these in reasonable portions. Don't expect to eat 12 slices of bacon, 12 bun-less hamburgers, and bun-less hot dogs on this "diet."Jorge gives us 4 weeks of Meal Plans. He lays out two options. One is essentially a menu for each day. The other is a menu planner. For each week, there is a shopping list.

It's been nearly a year and a half since I first read Jorge's Fast Track book and did the 14 day challenge with my boyfriend. We both got to our personal fittest pretty much effortlessly over the next couple of months and had everybody asking what or secret was.This book is a great follow up and adds more convincing evidence that sugar and carbs are major contributors to obesity and disease. Also the addition of "freebie" vegetables and simplification of the S/C formula makes it easier to follow without having to worry about the sugar calories in your huge artichoke, for example.We've followed it on and off since then, and have succumbed to some sugar and carb spirals (which we attributed to major life stresses including injuries), but I could always count on losing 3 pounds by strictly following this plan for 3 days. We're back on it for good with a renewed vigor and after one week we've each lost about 8 pounds without feeling deprived. Even better is the great sleep and the insane energy that I have, and waking up excited about the day ahead wanting to spring out of bed. It takes at least a week for those benefits to kick in, in my experience, so do commit to following it for at least 14 days. It's absolutely worth ditching the carbs just to feel this great, believe me!Here are a few tips: 1. Roast a ton of veggies and have them available to snack on when hunger strikes, they are sweet and satisfying and good for you. 2. Don't expect that indulging a sugar craving will end it, in my experience it only drives you into craving cycles that become harder and harder to break and if you're like me you won't feel so hot in the days following. 3. Jorge's "0 sugar calorie" almond bread recipe on YouTube is a game changer.

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