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Culinaria Hungary

Each individual volume is a true treasure trove of information: discover the wealth of specialities in the featured countries and their regions, learn about the traditions and distinctive peculiarities of the various cuisines--and be inspired to achieve your own sumptuous culinary highlights.

Paperback: 320 pages

Publisher: HF Ullmann (September 19, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 3833149965

ISBN-13: 978-3833149962

Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 1.1 x 10.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (58 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #717,714 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #35 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Regional & International > European > Hungarian

I am so happy with this book! I love that it's split up by region of Hungary and full of the history of the dishes, along with the history of the use of certain ingredients such as bacon, plum puree, spritzer wine, etc. I miss my Hungarian grandmother so much and never paid as much attention to her cooking as I should warms my heart (and fills my stomach!) to have access to some of the dishes she used to prepare!

Out of all the Hungarian cookbooks out there, this offers the largest selection and variance on recipes that I have seen. In addition is has BEAUTIFUL photos and offers you a look in to the history and traditions of Hungary.

I have the hardcover version of this book. Payed an obscene amount for it, but it was well worth it. The recipes are clearly described. I also own Horváth Ilona's book titled "Szakácskönyv," which seems to be very widely used in Hungary, but the recipes are harder to decipher.Anikó Gergely's book is just spectacular. It has lots of fascinating background information, lots of beautiful pictures, and solid recipes for making authentic Hungarian food. I recently made Pörkölt Csirke (in an Emile Henry Tagine for the heck of it). It came out great.My other favorite was Spenót which reminded me of the same dish my Mom made when I was a kid still living in Hungary.If you want to see how obsessed Hungarians are with food, just do an image search on Google for "vásárcsarnok budapest". Keep in mind that this enormous building is in the center of Budapest. You can buy goose liver the size of an American football, or any kind of game you can think of, or fish, or paprika, or garlic, or sausage, salami, etc. If it's edible, they have it.

Normally, I'm the type of person who prefers a no-nonsense reference to cookery like Joy of Cooking to "pretty" cookbooks with pages of beautiful photography that tend to lack in recipes. This is an effective balance between the two:pretty enough to serve as a coffeetable book for leafing through just to admire the wonderful imagery conveying a sense of the country and the cuisine, and an informative, extensive source for the food researcher. With over 150 recipes, this book covers a wide range of Hungarian cookery, including short sections on Serbian and Transylvanian influences. The notes on the use of paprika and the technique of using it properly (add to oil and onions off the burner or over low heat to prevent from scorching, then add wet ingredients before returning to heat) are invaluable.I lived in Hungary for 5 years, and even in its homeland, this book in the native language has become a popular reference. The recipes are "authentic," insofar as "authentic" could be defined within a traditional cuisine, and the book does an effective job in capturing the spirit of the Magyar people and their food. All in all, this the English-language cookbook I would recommend for anyone interested in learning about the cuisine. Karoly Gundel's _Gundel's Hungarian Cookbook_ would be a great companion piece, but if I had to pick one book for someone beginning to explore Hungarian food, this would be my undisputed choice.

Brings back memories from my childhood and looking forward to trying recipes like mom used to make. Sorry I don't have hers, but hoping these will come close. Beautiful pics and history, and very reasonable price! Would make an impressive gift! Looks much more expensive.

If you are traveling to Hungary, this is a great book to look through. It will help you formulate ideas of places to visit, and help you create a lists of the foods and beverages you may want to try while there. This book is ideal for anyone trying to get in touch with his/her Hungarian roots.

I'm trying to decide if I want to send this one back. I was excited to get it, but it seems to have a lot more history than it does recipes, which isn't really what I was looking for. I did try one recipe, which seemed to have forgotten any liquids in the ingredients list (odd, since it was a soup). I added beef broth and it came out beautifully, but that'a pretty big omission. The pictures are beautiful, and if you're interested in Hungarian history, it's a gem. If you're more interested in workable recipes it may have limited appeal.

Had seen this book in Budapest, but didn't want to carry it home--not light. So purchased it through : Beautiful pictures and information on various areas of Hungary, traditions and customs, food specialties (grey cattle, mangalitca pigs, goose liver), and recipes. The recipes look good (I have a lot of Hungarian cookbooks, make many pastries). This is the only cookbook to offer recipes for f'zelék--the creamed vegetable dishes that are ubiquitous. Only quibble: the coffee houses they show are the two flashiest and largest in Budapest and I would have liked to see the smaller cukrázdak and kávéházak shown--if only for the amazing variety. There is a bibliography and 3 indexes: a general one and one for recipes with English titles, the other with Magyar titles.

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