File Size: 938 KB
Print Length: 164 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: August 13, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
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Best Sellers Rank: #36,955 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Science > Mathematics > Mathematical Analysis #4 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Science > Mathematics > Chaos & Systems #5 in Books > Science & Math > Physics > Chaos Theory
This is an insightful and fast-paced intro to Python, written by an experienced master coder.I agree that this book is excellent.This book is good for experienced programmers to study Python and has plenty of contents to learn. Packages of various fields are explained, with those of similar function listed. So this book can be used for reference. Reader will be exposed to the various computing fields advancing currently.This book contains plenty of suggestions about how to use Python in real cases. Good introduction in Python modules.I'm a software developer but have never used Python before. Coming from that background I found this book very well laid out and very easy to learn from it.I recommend it for those with at least some experience with programming and who want a short introduction to Python.
The book ‘Python’ an Ultimate Crash Course is an interesting read for those who want to bcome knowledgeable in Python Programming. Python has been written in easily readable language that can be understood by anyone to make powerful and useful programs within a short space of time. For me it was a beginner-friendly program and I highly recommended it to those who are learning to program‘Python’ for the first time.The proven steps and strategies of the book on how to learn Python Programming quickly, easily, and thoroughly is easy to grasp. The book makes the lessons in the form of a practical and straightforward tutorial of essential Python Programming concepts and techniques. I am sure learners –– from beginners to experts –– will benefit from this work in less than two weeks of intensive study. It provides useful and practical examples of the programming concepts presented and makes learning an enjoyable and interesting experience. Python is an easy-to-learn yet powerful and versatile programming language. By devoting a few hours of their time every day, any reader can acquire the essential skills and confidence to write their own program and experience daily tasks quickly.
I'm an experienced programmer new to Python and finally I have an introduction that is helping me become a more "real" Python programmer. Though I don't need to start from the beginning, it's useful to have the slate clean, as opposed to jumping into the middle with more advanced books. Also, since this book takes a "crash course" approach, it covers a bit of many different approaches: from pure command line to visualizations to web apps. This book has been valuable to me as a coder who happens to be a Python newb, but I'm also looking forward to recommending it as a first programming book, as well.
I am not into programming but I have a little background to it because I took computer programming when I was in college but I didn't continue because I shift to a different course. This book Python: Ultimate Crash Course to Learn It Well and Become an Expert in Python Programming (Hands-on Project, Learn Coding Fast, Machine Learning, Data Science) has an advanced guide for python programming. Steps by step guide and explain better understanding about how to apply python keywords and basic syntax. This book is definitely what beginners need. The main characteristics of a Python program are that it is easy to read and very productive way to write code.
In programming, if you are a beginner, you will be introduced to basic aspects of Python. This book is such a great guide to learn in a comprehensive way. It gives us all the ideas needed to prepare ourselves to the real world of programming. The book doesn't assume you know programming or object oriented programming, it's very clear and you can learn a lot with it.
This book gives programmers all the information they'll need to understand and construct programs in the Python language, including types, operators, statements, classes, functions, modules and exceptions. The authors then present more advanced material, showing how Python performs common tasks by offering real applications and the libraries available for those applications. As you work through the book, you'll gain a deep and complete understanding of the Python language that will help you to understand the larger application-level examples that you'll encounter on your own.
Written in everyday language this book motivated me to learn about the very basics of coding in Python which is fairly easy once put into practice. I found this beginner’s book to be complete and quite encouraging. It is complete because it provides a background about how Python developed and the pros and cons of using it. It provides step by step instructions to start with python programming. There are indeed a lot to learn in python programming and they are all in here. I learned everything that I wanted to know so I highly recommend this.
A Complete Crash Course in Python Programming - This alone has encouraged me to grab this book and have a good read. I need some Python knowledge because it is required in my day job. And this book came into my attention when I was searching for some good stuff online. Reading it has been fruitful because it gave me more than enough info that will make me comprehend this programming language even more. Although a bit technical, this book made me see a bigger picture on Python.
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