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Tcl And Tk Programming For The Absolute Beginner

Tcl/Tk is enjoying a resurgence of popularity and interest in the computing community due to the fact that it is relatively easy to learn, powerful, fast, permits rapid development, and runs on all computing platforms. Until now, there has not been a guide book available that teaches Tcl/Tk to those with little or no programming experience. Covering the newest versions of Tcl and Tk, Tcl and Tk Programming for the Absolute Beginner teaches beginning and novice programmers concepts such as loops, conditional execution, input and output, and events, and shows readers how to implement these concepts using the grammar and syntax of the Tcl language. As part of the for the absolute beginner™ series, the book teaches all the concepts through the creation of simple computer games. Not only will this "learn by doing" approach provide you with an instant sense of accomplishment, but it's also a fun way to learn. Plus, in addition to learning Tcl and Tk, you'll also learn the basics of computer programming, so you'll have a solid foundation from which you can confidently jump to other programming languages.

Series: for the Absolute Beginner

Paperback: 384 pages

Publisher: Cengage Learning PTR; 1 edition (October 12, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1598634380

ISBN-13: 978-1598634389

Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 0.9 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 3.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (7 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #159,368 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #18 in Books > Computers & Technology > Software > Utilities #332 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Introductory & Beginning #634 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Programming Languages

This book was exactly what I needed. I have plenty of programming experience but TCL is new to me. This chapters in this book walked through a series of examples that gave me all the information I needed to get the job done. Downloading the code examples from the web site helped to make it even easier.I don't consider this book as a reference guide but instead a great primer on the TCL language. That's exactly what I was looking for and that's what I got.

First off, I have programming experience, and am a technical professional. However, this is NOT a reference for a true beginner. The author's writing style is geared more toward someone with some familiarity rather than an absolute beginner. There are numerous mistakes in the book (on page 93 in the fourth paragraph it states if [Random $values] returns 2, the expression evaluates to King; since Tcl indices are 0-based, the correct answer from the example list is Queen) that need to be cleaned up for a second printing. Then in the same chapter for exercise 5.1 the author uses code that has not been introduced ('info' and 'exists' in the line 'if {[info exists cards] && [lsearch ..."); this is supposed to check that a duplicate card is not created, but the code is different in the two places it is used, and then the logic is wrong! If the first two cards in this blackjack game are identical, the 'for ' loop in Block 2 only populates the list with 1 card instead of 2.I have not finished the book as of yet, but it does not meet my expectations of a book that is supposed to be "for the absolute beginner". The publication of the book was late to begin with; shipment from was delayed MANY weeks from what was projected when I ordered the book in July 2007. The editor/publisher/author should have spent more time checking for errors, and providing better examples. The author states that code could be written in another form, but does not provide that alternate example, which would have been very illustrative.If you truly are a beginner, I'd recommend looking elsewhere for a learning reference.

This book is poorly organized. In the discussion of Tcl, important terms are not defined or explained. Different data types and structures like strings, lists and arrays are given entire chapters, but it is not explained why they are different and when they should be used. The truly difficult topics like substitutions and grouping are not clearly explained. This would be horrible for an absolute beginner. The reviewer who liked the discussion of Tk may have a point. The section on Tk seems to make more sense and may be of some use.

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