Paperback: 1488 pages
Publisher: Cengage Learning; 7 edition (February 7, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1285852745
ISBN-13: 978-1285852744
Product Dimensions: 7.3 x 1.9 x 9.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars See all reviews (67 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #42,244 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #21 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Languages & Tools > C & C++ > C++ #47 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Software Design, Testing & Engineering > Object-Oriented Design #158 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Programming Languages
One of the worst books ever written on C++. Most of the examples are pages and pages of IO operations. It promotes some terrible practices. It is poorly written and makes some claims that are flat out untrue. Most of the examples could be compiled by a C compiler. No attempt is made to introduce idiomatic or even decent C++ conventions at all.There is a chapter on structs and a chapter on classes. This is nonsensical. Inheritance is introduced via a horrifically designed set of related collection types. Use of arrays are promoted.The section on enums fails to describe their use cases and actually involves casting them to integers and writing a for loop over them. Just awful.The only mention of C++11 in this book is a brief note explaining why he doesn't think it is worth writing about.A terrible book that will confuse students and make professionals gasp in horror. It is probably popular with teachers with a C background since the book is not really C++ and they don't want to learn it.A cheap cash in to make students buy an expensive new edition that offers nothing new would be bad enough, but this book, and it's previous edition are far worse. They are inaccurate, outdated, willfully ignorant, and will not teach you C++.If you are new to programming and are forced to buy this book for a class, do not read it.Shame on you Mr. Malik.
This is one of my favorite programming books I've come across. It takes effort to read, so I did find that many of my classmates didn't bother, however, I found it invaluable. Malik goes through every detail and then provides plenty of examples, including whole programs per chapter that are broken down and explained step-by-step. I also found the exercises that follow at the end of the chapters an incredible exercise in improving my C++ despite the fact that I wasn't able to compare with an answer book. I find most books don't really give many exercises, so you have to find them online or come up with your own if you've got the experience.I do wish that the latter portion of the Linked Linear List chapter were easier to read as that was the one time I folded the book and simply relied on my professor's explanations.I had the 7th edition, but Malik outlines at the beginning that the chapters don't necessarily have to be followed from beginning to end and our professor definitely jumped around, but everything came together. This is a great, in-depth way of jumping into C++ for the person who is seriously invested in learning the language.
It's easy to read and understand. My last C++ programming book was really boring and I had trouble following along when I was too tired. This I was interested and had no problems. I like all the nice code examples.
This is a really good book. It was required for my C++ Computer Science class. There are lots of challenging exercises in the book. I would definitely not say that there is fluff, because the author does a good job of conveying information in repetition to ensure understanding.This is definitely a good book for anybody learning C++, or anybody interested in it who knows another programming language like PHP or JavaScript something already.
This book is one of few that I have found worthwhile of keeping of my textbooks. I would recommend this one for new users after you go through something like Sam's Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours. Fortunately, my university is using this book for 3 classes as well, so it's money well spent.
I did not go deep enough in the book yet. However there are serious errors in Chapter 4. Several Exercises (7e, 7d and others) try to compare string literals using operators without any comments that this operation has random outcome. Answers do not mention anything about it either making student believe that there is a definite correct answer to such a comparison. This is 7th (!) edition of a very expensive text book used for 1st year C++. It should not have flops of the kind. I do not know what is coming later in more complicated areas. Otherwise the book is nicely set.
This book is the textbook my college uses and I can honestly say I am glad I had to purchase this book. This book is written in a very straight foward manner, there are code examples which are walked through to explain the logic and why things are happening. There are also programming exercises at the end of each chapter to give you some ideas on small programs to write for practice. Other programming books I attempted to learn from as a beginner were extremely confusing and weighed down with a lot of "techy talk" that was over my head. I did not have that problem with this book.
This book is incredible. I was a little worried that my school (Regis University) wanted me to buy a book that had such an insignificant reputation (13 customer reviews). But they chose wisely.This book is not a technical manual. It's a textbook that's designed to teach you C++ topics in an easy to understand way. It's not dense, but rather descriptive and an enjoyable read. It's made linked list and pointers a cinch.I would highly recommend this book for intro to CS courses.
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