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The Liver Cleansing Diet: Love Your Live And Live Longer

Presenting a detailed eight-week plan for promoting good health and longevity by effectively cleansing the liver, this best-selling guide comes complete with groundbreaking recipes for healing soup and raw juice concoctions. Extensively revised and updated, this revolutionary manual contains informative sections that examine natural therapies for revitalizing the liver including reversing a fatty liver, nutritional medicine for hepatitis C and B, how to fight childhood obesity, and statistics showing why drug therapy alone is generally not successful in the long term.

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: SCB International; 3 edition (January 1, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0967398363

ISBN-13: 978-0967398365

Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 5.2 x 8.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (189 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #75,064 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #129 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss > Detoxes & Cleanses #195 in Books > Medical Books > Basic Sciences > Physiology #372 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Healing

"The Liver Cleansing Diet" is a common sense approach to excellent health. It follows the basics like eliminating processed foods, alcohol, sugar, and saturated fats in meats and cheeses. It advocates 40% fresh vegetables, fruit, fish, whole grains, free range chickens ( avoiding hormones) lots of fiber and plenty of water.It's hard to imagine anyone fearing this diet, it's the healthiest thing you can do.I have been on it for two weeks, a step I took to lower my cholesterol. I chose it as an alternative to reducing drugs and although I am not there yet, my numbers are down by close to 40 points. It focuses on curing what ails you by making you healthier.I especially love the primer on liver function and the importance of keeping this organ healthy. If you learn how it works, you think twice before overloading it with things it can't eliminate.Dr. Cabot puts all this valuable information together in an easy to read book and the basics are easy to follow without recipes although there are many to choose from. An excellent book if you want to take your health into your own hands. Highly recommended!

After coming back from holidays 3kg heavier than my NORMAL 92kg (206lbs) (which is over 15kgs more than my recommended body weight to my height of 5'8") I put myself onto Dr Cabot's Liver-Cleansing Diet on a days notice. Why did I choose the LCD? I didn't have to sign up on anything or go to groups or meetings etc. I had a list of what I could eat and what I couldn't eat and I stuck to it like a zealot. In the course of the eight weeks I lost 13kg's (29lbs) getting myself down from 95kgs to 82kgs (183lbs)!This proved to me that not only was I well and truly overweight but that my eating habits were absolutely shocking and needed a change. AND I did not starve myself either. I did try to modify the amount of food I ate because not only was the problem what I was eating, but how much, but I never starved myself or went hungry. If I felt like something to eat out of normal meals I would just blend up a banana & soya milk smoothie with frozen bananas and a dollop of natural honey (try it!).I have two recommendations for people doing this diet.1: Stick to it religiously, if you allow yourself butter here and there or some greasy chips at a party you will find it too easy to stray from the diet. Dr Cabot says in the book you are allowed the odd indiscretion, but I found for me personally it had to be all or nothing.2: If you have a partner (wife/husband/etc) then they really should do it as well because the temptation is great to have the food they get to eat. I know this now because I am on the diet for a second time to try and get my weight to around 77kg (172lbs) but my wife is not joining me AS MUCH as the first time round because she doesn't need too (55kg). Seeing that bottle of coke when you are reaching for that soy milk, or that block of cheese sitting next to that block of tofu makes for some mighty effort in willpower but I am sticking to my guns!Good luck!

Once people understand the principles of eating well (healthily) then it is a very easy 'diet' to stick to. You DO feel better, you DO have more energy, and you DEFINITELY look better. I had to go on this diet for my health, and not because of my liver, but I had two heamatoma (blood clots) on my brain and after reading about my problem it was obvious that certain foods would aid in my recovery whilst others would not. The liver cleansing diet was exactly it. It hepled being home from work for three months, but once in the routine, it is easy. The bloodclots disappeared and I lost 8 kgs. (17.6 pounds) Yes, I needed to lose weight but I was not obese. And I wasn't even sticking to the diet to the 'T'. But certainly improved my eating habits. If you are like me and feel sick after ingesting foods that are not balanced then this is something to read. I actually ate about four times as much as I normally do, and still lost all that weight, my skin looks fresh, and my eyes have a healthy glow. As far as literature goes, this is not great, however it makes you understand why your body functions in certain ways, and exactly why you can improve your health/lose weight by eating correctly. This is a great help. I gave it five stars as it acheives what is is meant to. By understanding the functions of the liver and how this relate to general health is really important.

This book and diet was great. It made us realize how much processed foods we eat that are loaded with preservatives, additives and injected with hormones (meats and eggs). My husband lost 22lbs. This weight came off at the end of the diet. We found it hard to revert back to eating like did before the diet. We still continue to eat healthy. We feel so much more energetic. This book has given us healthy way of eating and most likely increasing years to our lives. Anyone can benefit from this book even if you do not follow the diet 100%. Anyone can try the diet at least 50 - 70% and see and feel results.

Unless your diet is presently terrible, this book probably won't help you if you have candida, celiac disease, crohn's, ulcerative colitis, IBD, or IBS. Cabot limits meats and encourages non-gluten grains. Those of us with many kinds of digestive disorders cannot digest starches and disacharides (double sugars). I followed the Liver Cleansing Diet strictly for three weeks, but the inclusion of grains, sweet potatoes, corn, and soy made my symptoms worse than they had been before I started her diet. My bloating became so bad on this diet that I looked six months pregnant and getting worse. I eliminated soy and corn but to no avail. I then switched to Elaine Gottshall's Carbohydrate Specific Diet (Breaking the Vicious Cycle) and started feeling better within two days. My belly is board flat now, my skin looks better, my mood is good, and digestion feels so much better - after only one week! I wish I had found Gottshall years ago.I gave the The Liver Cleansing Diet (and The Healthy Liver and Bowel Book) three stars because the information about the liver was well documented and important to learn. The caveat here regards impaired digestion; as long as our intestines are not functioning properly we cannot absorb the nutrients our liver needs. People with digestive disorders need a dramatically different approach.I think Cabot is a good doctor and writer, but maybe needs to broaden her horizons. Excellent liver health CAN change our lives, but until my intestines heal, my liver starves.

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