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The God-Awakening Diet: Reversing Disease And Saving The Planet With A Plant Based Diet

Reversing disease and saving the planet with a plant based diet.People are attacking their connection to God/The Source/Nature™ and most people don't realize it because they are being manipulated in a very diabolical way. I use the term God/The Source/Nature to refer to the intelligent order that permeates every animate and inanimate thing, in and attempt to encompass all views that recognize this order in life in one way or another. People have been directed away from truly being in tune with God, The Source, or nature, depending how you view this intelligent order, because people have been turned away from protecting and living in harmony with the earth. The earth's ecosystem and everything in it have developed out of this intelligent order and is a representation of it. People are manipulated by big business which develops industry that undermines this intelligent order, and the life sustaining patterns of energy within the earth's ecosystem and their own bodies. This manipulation removes people from their connection to God/The Source/Nature and they unwittingly become pillagers of the earth, instead of protectors of the earth that was established by God/The Source Nature. The attack on the connection to God/The Source/Nature is two pronged and involves attacking the intelligent order within the body, and attacking the intelligent order that protects the health of the earth's ecosystem. The attack is diabolical because it is orchestrated through the body, which is the temple of the intelligent order. People are manipulated through marketing and advertising which creates an insatiable dependency on meat-centered diets that support the proliferation of chronic disease like cancer and that corrupt the temple and connection to God/The Source/Nature. As the body is being attacked by disease which causes physical, mental, and emotional illness and disconnectedness, people's actions are more easily influenced by impatience, anger, and a general selfishness which undermines the ability to carry oneself in a holistic god-like manner. Instead of carrying oneself in a god-like manner, many then seek the grace of God/The Source/Nature to raise them to the position they should be in, when that is ultimately their responsibility. These processes result in the depletion of fresh water and droughts, erosion of land, deforestation, depletion of fossil fuel, killing of 9-10 billion animals a year in the U.S. alone to supply the need of meat-centered diets, increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and destructive climate change that will limit the ecosystem's ability to support life on earth. The situation is so dire that the United Nations prepared a report citing the current rate of meat production as unsustainable and recommends the adoption of a whole food plant based diet, or close to it, will be necessary to reverse disease in the body and ecosystem and to save our planet. My hope is to encourage people to return to a diet and way of life that supports the synergy created by God/The Source/Nature™ so that we can save ourselves and all existing life on this planet.

File Size: 646 KB

Print Length: 159 pages

Publication Date: April 15, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #20,757 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #41 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss > Detoxes & Cleanses #47 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Nutrition #207 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Nutrition

I have been following Natural Life Energy for several months and have watched my health improve tremendously...I've learned how to cleanse my organs and alkalize my body as to prevent disease and illness and I also learned more ways to heal ailments naturally vs. Chemically contained medications. There also is helpful information on nutrition, Ph balance, cancer, and about how animal products are harmful to animals and are environmentally harmful as well....Lso, being a 'Miracle Baby Survivor', I've sruggled my entire life with health issues. There are things I've learned that as mentioned before is helping me tremendously!

Informative but very short for the cost. $9.99 for 95 very short pages. Also didn't give enough examples for meals, just one. I would like to have seen more than one juice recipe and daily menu example.

For a small book, it's full of lots and lots of nutritional facts that made me go "Hhhhhhhhmmmmm...."It has made me reconsider a lot of choices. I'm not saying that I would become a vegan, but I have adjusted my diet to limit my consumption of certain foods.

Wasn't what I thought it was going to be. It gave informative information however I thought it was going to give a better insight towards Dr. Sebi's way of eating and taking care of the body with natural herbs.

I have been following Natural Life Energy for several months and have watched my health improve tremendously...I've learned how to cleanse my organs and alkalize my body as to prevent disease and illness and I also learned more ways to heal ailments naturally vs. Chemically contained medications. There also is helpful information on nutrition, Ph balance, cancer, and about how animal products are harmful to animals and are environmentally harmful as well....Lso, being a 'Miracle Baby Survivor', I've struggled my entire life with health issues. There are things I've learned that as mentioned before is helping me tremendously!

Great info and ebook included recipes. However there were quite a few typos, and sentences that basically repeated a sentence from the previous paragraph. Could use an editor to make it more professional

Very useful information, I enjoyed reading. Thanks for sharing your journey.I particularly appreciate your descriptive explanations that make it quite clear to me, why following an alkaline plant based diet is a critical part of living a healthy vegan lifestyle. The spiritual connection you write about ties everything together well. Your writing style really drew me in and felt very conversational. Your book would appeal to those that are novice or advanced in their knowledge of plant based diets and is validated by the studies of Dr. Sebi that you reference.

I've been following Brother Aniys for a while and just recently purchased this book. What an AMAZING, comprehensive approach at explaining how to eat to live! Brother Aniys -- you knocked this one out the ball park by explaining the whats and whys and the easy read made it much more fulfilling!Also, the new addition of food recipes, juices and teas has really set this book apart!Thank you for the time that you spent with this jewel to heal the Nation(s)!

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