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What To Eat If You Have Cancer (revised): Healing Foods That Boost Your Immune System

Fuel your body to fight cancer Cancer and cancer treatment take a toll on your body, but you can help make cancer treatment more effective and reduce its unpleasant side effects with good nutrition. What to Eat if You Have Cancer presents the best foods to fight cancer and suggests ways to keep your body strong--knowledge you need to take control of your health. A vital resource for cancer patients, this revised edition contains new recipes, new menus, and the latest research on cancer and nutrition. With the help of What to Eat if You Have Cancer, you will learn The foods to eat and the foods to avoid in your fight with cancer The proper use of supplements in nutrition therapy How to create personalized meal plans to complement different types and phases of treatment

Paperback: 336 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 2 edition (October 25, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0071473963

ISBN-13: 978-0071473965

Product Dimensions: 5.9 x 0.8 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (47 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #507,337 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #88 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Diet > Cancer #824 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diseases & Physical Ailments > Cancer #4566 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss > Other Diets

I purchased this book for my sister in January of 2000, two days after she was diagnosed with Stage 4 small-cell lung cancer. She began chemotherapy treatments the next week, and simultaneously begin eating exclusively through the plan in this book. Throughout the course of her treatments which have just ended this past month (May 2000) she never once got even the least bit nauseated and her energy level allowed her to remain active, missing only three days of work the entire course of treatment. Her blood levels remained consistently "at the high end of normal", she was never hospitalized nor required blood transfusions. She never lost her appetite,in fact, she eats what seems to be continually, and she lost approximately 20-lbs, which was due to better eating habits following the plan in this book. She ever once wavered from the plan in this book, everything was done to precision. Her last oncology visit, a week ago today, showed the cancer in two places had disappeared. The tumor in her lung had shrunk from 8 centimeters to 3. She begins radiation next week, which her oncologist says "we are going to shrink the remnants of the tumor into nothing but scar tissue". Her doctors and staff are amazed at the way she has accepted the chemo & how she has totally turned this around, which she attributes to her strong faith in God, strong family support and this book that provided the tool of nutrition. She has never looked more radiant and healthy in all her "50-something" years. What began as a very dismal prognosis, now has her doctors constantly quizzing her about how she has stayed in such marvelous condition. Full remission is on the horizon, and we owe alot of it to this book. It was a God-send, and I highly recommend it.

Having had the opportunity to hear Daniella Chase talk about the value of soy proteins and phytochemicals, as well as a variety of other topics, I can emphasize that the book doesn't approach the subject from a touchy feely or "eat what you want" approach. Instead, using the best and recent studies showing cancer-fighting and general-health benefits of specific categories and subcategories of food (like soy and cruciferous vegetables, to name toon), the authors provide a solid basis on which a cancer patient (like myself) can make good nutritional choices while going through a period that can feature nausea, lack of appetitite, and general inactivity.If I were a better patient, I'd eat exclusively from the items in this book, prepared according to their companion recipe book.The book is not quite incidentally a great introduction to how the body works, how it processes food, and how cancer derives nutrition in order to grow. The short story: no fried foods, no alcohol, no processed sugar, no simple carbos; limited meat. Do eat legumes, phytochemical-containing vegetables and fruits, soy, fish, and lots of protein.This book has helped me considerably in keeping myself healthy during chemotherapy without sacrificing nutrition.

This book has been very useful as I go through chemo. Although I have had some nausea, with the help of this book, I have energy, and am able to keep exercising, and keep teaching even in the midst of chemo.This is not a fluffy book. The first sections are the best guide in micro and macro-nutruients for the layperson that I have read. (I should explain that I have a teaching license for biology, physics, and chemistry.) The recommended diets made my doctors perk up and smile, and nod and strongly agree.The one caveat is that the supplementation information has not been updated to include some of the most recent research - other than that this book is the first resource I recommend.

If you're lost and trying to learn about which foods a cancer patient needs to eat....This is the book for you. I had to figure out what I was going to feed someone with cancer who did not want to eat. I knew that whatever he was going to eat would be a part of his treatment plan. So each morsel should be the best one that I could choose. This book explains everything you'll need to know on the subject. It will give you insight as to what's going on from the prospective of the cancer patient as well. A wonderful reference...Thank you!

I love this book...It's been such a help after finding out the shocking news that my husband has lymphoma. It uses all the "right foods" nutritionally speaking, to assist with his treatment plan. The food is delicious. So much so that I'm eating healthfully as well. I've found that recipes easy to follow and quick to prepare. It would have been almost impossible for me to figure out how to incorporate soy in our diets in such a tasteful way. I appreciate the book, the tips in it and the peace of mind it's given me in knowing the I'm feeding my loved one the best that I can. Thank you!

Despite its 1996 copyright this is a great resource! After reading several books on nutrition and cancer this is the one I continue to use for ongoing reference. It is not an easy read but explains thoroughly the physiology and chemistry of food components and nutrients. This is a very useful guide and far more helpful than any other resource I've read, including "Beating Cancer with Nutrition" by guru P. Quilin.

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