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Eating Well Through Cancer Easy Recipes & Recommendations

Eating Well Through Cancer: Easy Recipes & Recommendations During & After Treatment by Holly Clegg. Favorite Recipes Press,2006



ASIN: B0049O9J2S

Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 7 x 0.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (174 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #444,209 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #82 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Diet > Cancer

A durable hardcover book with spiral binding completely inside so there is no problem with food getting inside the spirals or the book not lying flat, "Eating Well Through Cancer" is a top level cookbook. When someone goes through chemotherapy many changes take place within their body. For many they become nauseous after treatment, experience lowered white blood cell counts, diarrhea, constipation or other side effects. The recipes in this book are specifically designed to help with these and other problems.Recipes are organized by symptom (diarrhea, sore mouth, etc.) and by treatment stage (day of treatment, post treatment). Each one that I tried was easy to prepare and absolutely delicious. There is definitely no sacrifice of taste for the sake of nutrition in these recipes.The author answers questions such as "What should I eat prior to treatment?", or "Is there a certain time of day that is better for eating?" and similar concerns of the cancer patient. The final chapters include changing eating habits to a healthier style post treatment or prior to having problems.Whether you are undergoing treatment or just want to eat healthier as a preventative measure, this book has it all. With cancer being as prevalent as it is today, even if you don't know someone with cancer sooner or later you will. When they return home after a treatment and you want to help by taking something over for dinner you will be glad you have this book. It belongs on the bookshelf of everyone who loves to cook for others.

If you subscribe to the view that cancer diets should focus on low fat, low sugar, and food that maintains low blood glucose levels this is a book to avoid. Receipes frequently used all purpose flour, refined sugar, powdered sugar, white potatoes, and margarine. People who have read and accept the principles in "What To Eat If You Have Cancer" will find this cookbook difficult to use without careful receipe selection and ingredient substitution.

I have only owned this book for a few days, but as a cancer patient, I have found it extremely useful. I'm sure all cancer patients agree that the side effects from the chemo are the worse part of suffering from cancer. However, using these simple recipes, the pain has actually become bearable. I am not expecting anything miraculous. Its just nice to know that I can live my life, eating well, with less pain. Thank You

I originally bought this book because my father had cancer. However, the food was so good and the recipes so easy that I use it for my entire family. I am not a very good cook but with this book my kids actually are eating my dinners. This is a great book; you can't go wrong. It really is for everyone and I use it for everyday cooking.

This is clueless when it comes to Cancer nutrition.... recipes are sugar laden, (both containing sugar and foods that become sugar during metabolism....both FEED cancer! As well all kinds of artificial ingredients are used including artificial butter flavor??? Canola oil which is heavily genetically modified AND highly inflammatory is used throughout. Recipes lack vital antioxidants, nutrient that support detoxification pathways, ingredients that are nutrient dense providing essential vitamins and minerals and everything is either low fat or fat free.... again loaded with sugar. Anyone who is buying this for Cancer fighting recipes avoid... this is a 1990's low fat diet nightmare book... and we know now that is NOT good for anyone!It also includes diabetes references but recipes still use added sugar. This type of cookbook should be written by someone who has education... ideally in biochemistry. Very disappointing---immediate return!

I recently purchased this book for my dad. The side effects of cancer are so grueling. This book is organized for quick access in the first few pages with all of the recipes categorized by symptom or side effects a person may be having. Also gives great menu ideas. It gives clear advice on what to do to use food as a FUEL for the FIRE to FIGHT the cancer. Very organized, sprial bound, easy to read and the recipes are great. I would recommend this book to ANYONE going through cancer. Also great for the caregiver to know too.

This book does not provide a way to "eat healthier as a preventative measure." Anyone who has done even a smidgen of research knows that sugar feeds cancer cells and that processed foods are the unhealthiest feature of the average American diet. The recipes in this book are loaded with both. The author does a disservice to any cancer patient who is really committed to learning about diet, how foods can improve overall health and keep cancer cells from growing, and how chemotherapy can be better tolerated without having to resort to what is essentially "junk" food.If you want to maintain optimal health during treatment, please research alternate foods to eat in order to manage the lack of appetite, nausea, and so forth that are often side effects of chemotherapy treatments. I did NOT eat these types of food, yet I managed to avoid side effects. I follow an anti-cancer/anti-inflammatory diet approach; and according to my recent physical exam, I am healthier than I have been in years. In addition, I have been NED for three years.Please do your own research. As a friend joked "Google is your friend."

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