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A unique meditation CD that is divided into 4 approximately 15-minute sections. Each section can be played on it's own or combined with another section. The way to get the most benefit from this program is to listen to the first two parts; relaxation and visualization either at night or first thing in the morning. The relaxation will guide you into the most tranquil state of relaxation you've ever know. The visualization technique will help you to send the correct image of your body to your subconscious mind. The next two parts are affirmations and subliminal can be played right after the first two parts, or while doing any other activities, such as driving, working, sleeping, or even getting a massage. Affirmations and subliminal messages are useful to help you reinforce a positive attitude so you will maintain a healthy exercise and eating routine.

Audio CD

Publisher: (April 1, 2001)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 096791762X

ISBN-13: 978-0967917627

Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 5.4 x 0.6 inches

Shipping Weight: 4 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (3 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #5,675,506 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #66 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss > Hypnosis for Diets #336 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Fitness #912 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Relaxation & Meditation

This CD would've gotten more stars except for a few key problems. First, the piano music, while beautiful, is too loud. If you clamp the headphones on at night, as I do, and expect to play this CD all the way through and drift off to sleep, forget it. Of course, you can turn the volume down to the lowest decibel to soften the piano music, but then you can't hear Victoria's voice. The piano often drowns her out, no matter what level the volume. The second major problem is the poorly positioned track 5 which is so jarring and loud that it will propel you out of your drowsy state unless you can set your CD player to skip it. Why on earth is the Introduction positioned at the end of the CD?! The affirmations are good, the relaxing techniques are good; it's a shame that the often loud piano music and track 5 screw it up. I also found it very distracting when Halpern decided to segue into Greensleeves at one point. What a mess. My personal recommendation is to buy The Gabriel Method (book & CD) by Jon Gabriel.

This CD is the best I've ever found. It is a complete self-hypnosis program (all in one CD!), which includes relaxation/self-hypnosis, an affirmation track and a subliminal track, which is ALL needed in order to be successful to "reprogram" your bad habits and make you feel good about yourself. I love it! I am so excited that I finally found this! Her voice is very relaxing and soothing and everything she says makes sense..."I like my body, I enjoy eating healthy food, I enjoy drinking lots of water, I feel healthy, I feel good about exercise, I have a properly functioning metabolism, I feel good about myself, I eat only when I am hungry" and many more!!!

These powerful techniques are designed to help you look good, feel good and achieve your ideal weight and size, safely, easily, and in a timely manner.For best results listen to audio program at the same time every morning for 30 days. (Listen to introducation located on Track 5 first.)Music by Steven Halpern.VICTORIA WIZELL is a Certified Master Hypnotherapist, a Certified HypnoBirthing practitioner and the founder of Hypnotherapy of Nevada. She has been studying metaphysics and personal growth concepts since 1984. And now you have an opportunity to utilize the very same techniques she has used to achieve great success in all areas of your life.
