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Slim Forever - For Men: Subliminal Self Help

It's a scientific fact: subliminal persuasion works. Now you can lose weight anywhere, anytime--without dieting. Play SLIM FOREVER on your CD player as you dress in the morning, travel to work, or when you want to unwind. Just listen to this gentle combination of soothing relaxation techniques, soft music, and persuasive affirmations and let your subconscious do the rest. Soon you'll discover a new inner energy that will burn off pounds quicker and easier than you ever dreamed possible--and keep them off forever! The key to success is in your mind.

Audio CD

Publisher: Random House Audio; Abridged edition (December 30, 2003)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0739309595

ISBN-13: 978-0739309599

Product Dimensions: 5.6 x 0.4 x 4.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (3 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #3,471,292 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #49 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Diets & Weight Loss > Hypnosis for Diets #1732 in Books > Self-Help > Hypnosis #1740 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > General

There is nothing specifically gender-oriented in this cd; men or women can use it. The voice you hear is a man's. I bought it and the very next day after my first listen I was sitting thinking I wanted something to eat and the thoughts came into my head "No, you're just bored" and "have a glass of nice, fresh water". I was surprised and a bit amused, but I did get up and get the water, and I didn't eat anything. So far I have lost several pounds, but even more importantly I feel more in control and happier about making the changes that lead to a healthy weight. The basic premise is that people can use the power of their minds to overcome what causes them to be overweight. Not 'gutting it out' or 'willpower', which always seems so painful to me, but allowing yourself to become the healthy weight person you are in your mind without worrying or stressing. The cd addresses the known pitfalls of obesity: over-eating, eating too much of weight-inducing foods, eating for reasons other than hunger and lack of activity, but all through positive messages rather than through any negative nagging. It includes visualization (see yourself in your mind's eye at your ideal weight), breathing and relaxation, and affirmations. Subliminal messages are included in one track of relaxing piano music. The results for me have been less stress, a more-positive attitude, and better food and activity choices without guilt. Obviously if you have serious health issues, you need to discuss these with your doctor. But as a tool in your becoming a healthier person, you are worth the few dollars this costs. And yes, listen to it every day -- you are worth that small investment in time!

An excellent subliminal recording that works, SLIM FOREVER FOR MEN delivers an easy to absorb positive message that weight loss is all a matter of simply changing one's mind.This recording includes a section on creative self-awareness, a series of affirmations, and a basic, softly played piano tune overlaid upon the messages of the first section.The narrator's voice may be a bit too "New Age" for some, but the lessons on this tape are messages that need to be impressed upon the mind whether the listener has a weight problem or not.Weight loss will definitely occur if the program outlined on the tape (at least once a day, every day, for six weeks) is followed. Other life altering changes may occur, too.Definitely worth the time for any man interested in self improvement, SLIM FOREVER FOR MEN is an inexpensive and effective way to begin the process of change.

I started gaining a little weight each year since my mid thirties. By the time I was in my 50's I was in bad shape really needed to do something about it. I had some success by improving my diet and weighing everything before meals, but I didn't make serious progress until I started listening to this "tape" (from my iPod) every night at bedtime. I managed to lose 50 lbs and got my weight back to where it was in my early 30's. Now, 10 years later I started gaining weight again (about 7-10 lbs over). I started listening again at bedtime and I'm almost back to my ideal weight. Weight loss is different for everyone and is affected by such things as your ability to exercise and your ability to select your own diet (I'm single, which makes things much easier), but this tape was absolutely key to my weight loss success.

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