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The Rapid Rubyist

The Rapid Rubyist is a step by step guide that uses simple examples to teach Ruby. Each example has a brief description and then code examples to teach the concept. Many books focus on giving verbose explanations that try to give every detail possible, The Rapid Rubyist is different in that it tries to be concise, giving you all the information you need in a small package. The Rapid Rubyist gets you writing code fast and gives you a reference you can come back to later when you need to remember how something works. It covers everything from the basics like strings and arrays to everyone's favorite topic: meta-programming!

File Size: 206 KB

Print Length: 140 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: June 29, 2013

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #326,936 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #23 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Programming > Ruby #77 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Languages & Tools > Ruby #1108 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Web Programming

Matt has done a great job of boiling down the essentials of the Ruby programming language. This is not a theory book, this is an - I'm an experienced programmer and I need to learn Ruby quickly book.Once you get past the standard Hello World, he quickly jumps into variables, methods, interators, etc. These are the building blocks of the Ruby language and what sets it apart from other languages. All of these have simple examples that you can copy and paste into you own environment.There are a lot of conventions in the Ruby language, like how methods are named and their behavior, if you have seen methods like 2.even? you have run across this. Matt goes through the common naming conventions for methods and what they mean. He brings difficult theoretical concepts like closures down to easily understood concepts. He also shows you how to use these in everyday programming. He then moves on into more difficult topics like meta programming.If you are new to Ruby and want to learn it, this is a good place to start.

The Rapid Rubyist is a good introduction to the ruby programming language. It is light on filler and heavy with code examples. Just because this is an intro to the ruby programming language does not make it a beginning programming book.For a developers coming from other programming languages this book will help you get up to speed in a timeframe better measured with hours than weeks.For someone who is just getting started in programming this book would best be used as a companion text to something that takes a deeper dive into the general subjects.*disclaimer* The author is a co-worker. I read a pre-release copy. I came up with the title. I am mentioned in the acknowledgements so that makes me partially famous.

I have read many ruby books, and they are always so daunting at 500+ pages (half of which is complete fluff!) Matthew here has stripped all that out and essentially goes through all the stuff you need to know very quickly. Recommend it as a quick read and a future reference for beginners to this landscape.

The Rapid Rubyist is one of the most useful books I've read in a long time. The author quickly covers the unique syntax features of the Ruby language and highlights all the useful data types, control structures, etc. provided by the language.Each topic in the book is covered in essentially one page with a code example, making it easy to read plus a useful reference tool. I found it to be a helpful brush-up on some typically obscure programming topics like blocks, procs, lambdas, monkey patching and meta programming.This book is well worth the money.

This book is great for getting you up to speed quickly with ruby basics. I think this is a great starting point for someone coming from another programming language to get oriented with ruby, from there they should read something a little more advanced, like Metaprogramming Ruby, to really drive it home. This book was easily worth the money and well worth the time spent to read it.

Absolutely loved this inexpensive, brief, and useful book. I was recently assigned a Rails project and I didn't know Ruby. This would've been the perfect place for me to start. This book only covers Ruby--not Rails. You can easily breeze through the entire book (including typing out all the sample code) in a weekend and have a solid grasp of Ruby basics. I now more clearly understand blocks, procs, and lambdas, and how to pass each of them to a method. If you've never done any programming before, I don't think this would be a good place to start because it's heavy on the "how" but not the "why." However, it's a great learn-by-example book with very little fluff.The author's style is light yet practical, and the text contains only a few very minor grammatical errors (rare in tech books). On top of all this, he's giving the proceeds to charity. Good stuff!

This is very good book to learn the basic of ruby programming in a few days. The problem is there is no explanations for each line and the author just will mention the bottom line of the topic and then he throw you to try and try by yourself to understand. Although, I watched a video training fron but still this book is not easy to understand if you do not keep trying to change the code written by the author. By the way, there are few mistakes you may find in author's codes but keep trying to change.So if you are totally a beginner and you have never learned any programming language before, I WILL NEVER RECOMMEND YOU TO START DIRECTLY FROM THIS BOOK BUT AT LEAST WATCH A VIDEO TRAINING BEFORE THIS BOOK.

This book has several advantages to other reference books I've read. Each page simply has a title like "Variables", explains what one is in ruby in a paragraph or two, simple code examples, and code output if applicable. No delving into why ruby does X and instead delving into the how ruby does X.

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