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The Irlen Revolution: A Guide To Changing Your Perception And Your Life

After decades of revolutionizing the treatment of dyslexia through the use of colored lenses, educational pioneer Helen Irlen has turned her attention to children and adults who suffer from other learning disabilities. The Irlen Revolution examines the author’s unique program for helping people with ADHD/ADD, Asperger’s syndrome, autism, depth perception problems, head injuries, strokes, and a host of other conditions that affect learning. The Irlen Revolution begins with an overview of learning disabilities and a look at standard treatments. It then examines the Irlen Method and explores the scientific basis of the program. Finally, the author discusses the individual disorders―what they are, and how the Irlen approach may be used to treat them successfully. An extensive resource section provides additional guidance for readers who want to learn more about the program. When 60 Minutes featured a dyslexic child being “cured” with the Irlen Method, the world was introduced to a safe and effective tool to combat dyslexia. Now the battle lines have been expanded, and many more people can benefit from The Irlen Revolution.

Paperback: 240 pages

Publisher: Square One (November 15, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0757002366

ISBN-13: 978-0757002366

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.5 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.9 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (36 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #97,063 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #39 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Children's Health > Learning Disorders #62 in Books > Education & Teaching > Schools & Teaching > Special Education > Learning Disabled #153 in Books > Parenting & Relationships > Special Needs > Disabilities

In this, her second book, Helen Irlen greatly expands our understanding of Irlen Syndrome, the condition that has been named in her honor by independent researchers. It is a must read for all those who work with children: teachers, parents, physicians, eye care professionals, and so on. Irlen Syndrome, a visual perception problem is brain based and triggered by sensitivity to a specific portion of the light spectrum. It affects about one in six in the general population and almost half of all those diagnosed with dyslexia. It's only consistently effective remedy is the Irlen Method, a systematic screening test to find the specific color filter that stops visual distortions and eliminates or relieves eye discomfort, headaches, nausea, and a whole host of other problems caused by the condition. In this book Helen also reveals a stunning new understanding of behaviors in those diagnosed with autism. Not only is this book an engaging read, but it reveals life-changing truths for a very significant portion of the world's population. I can just about guarantee that you will know someone who is affected by Irlen Syndrome and who will be eternally grateful to you for directing them to this resource. For her amazing discoveries and the many lives that have been rescued as a result of her work, Helen Irlen should be awarded a Nobel Prize!

My son has had trouble learning to read since kindergarten, even though we knew he was very bright. We had his eyes checked, they were fine. We learned about visual processing issues, and spent several thousand dollars on vision therapy. This made a vast improvement and he was able to read, but in the 8th grade still struggled with spelling and anything involving writing. I finally asked for him to be screened for dyslexia, even though all previous evaluations were negative, because he kept jumbling letters when he wrote. First, thank God, the school screened him for Irlen Syndrome and sent him home with colored overlays to use when reading. All of a sudden he could read fluently, accurately, and as fast as I could. We had him fitted with Irlen lenses, and a whole new world has opened up for him. We never realized he had no depth perception and an extremely narrow field of vision. His writing is even better - with the lenses he can remember what he has written and doesn't have to constantly reread what he is writing. I am simply amazed that colored lenses make such a difference for him (the right color, at least). Reading this book has opened my eyes and broken my heart at the same time - I never realized how profound his visual processing problems were, and assumed that the vision therapy had fixed all that. This book raised questions it never occurred to us to ask - what do you see when you try to read, do the words stay still, do you get headaches or do your eyes water when you read? Anyone whose obviously intelligent child struggles with reading needs to read this book!! Especially when they seem to have ADD symptoms at school but not at home.

As a teacher who specializes in teaching reading to dyslexic children, I cannot recommend this book highly enough to parents of such children. At least 50% of the children I have tutored improve their fluency enormously using Irlen coloured lenses.Rina

I would highly recommend this book for educators, Irlen screeners and diagnosticians, and others with a previous knowledge of Irlen Syndrome. For parents, I would recommend that they first read Irlen's other book, "Reading by the Colors" which I think is more oriented to those new to the subject. This is not a book you read in a few days, but rather one that you read a little at a time and then spend time thinking about the ideas presented and how they apply to you and those you have screened or an individual of concern, especially those with learning disabilities with visual reversals or depth perception. The book not only gives you an overall view of Irlen Syndorme, but shows how Irlen can be misdiagnosed or be connected with other disorders such as autism and attention deficit. The chapter on Attention Deficit disorders is very enlightening. This and other chapters make you observe and look for underlying causes. The chapter on Light Sensitivity also makes sense of many of my experiences and validates some of the positive methods I have been using. It will do the same for others that have had or seen others with light sensitivity. A question people always want to know is "Where is the research?". This book includes case studies and research studies that help verify that this is a real disorder. It even talks about brain wave changes between someone with and without Irlen filters and how all of communication is affected. I like the way that the book portrays Irlen as a piece of the puzzle and that one needs to carefully look at each individual to see the underlying causes of his/her behavior and learning problems. I recommend that you read it with that thought in mind.

This was really eye opening (no pun intended). I have had many of these symptoms all my life and never dreamed that it could be caused by something like this. If I can get the funds together, I intend to go to a local practitioner/diagnostician and get the glasses/tint.Very informative although not too well written and a little repetitive. It's also aimed at problems with children and while it does mention adults, it doesn't really deal that much with adults.

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