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If You're So Smart, How Come You Can't Spell Mississippi? (A Story About Dyslexia) (Adventures Of Everyday Geniuses)

Katie always thought her dad was smart; he is one of the busiest attorneys in town! People are always asking him for advice! She has been a bit confused since asking him for help with her weekly spelling list. How can her very smart dad struggle with one of her spelling words? This definitely didn't make sense. the word Mississippi has changes everything...Book Series Endorsements: "It is hard to overstate how much better children are served if they believe, rightly, that their efforts to improve academically actually make a difference. Research by Dr. Carol Dweck and colleagues has shown, in impressive detail, that children's beliefs about the nature of intelligence--as being either malleable or fixed--can greatly impact both their attitude towards learning and their academic achievement. It is far better to believe in a malleable rather than a fixed notion of intelligence. Thus it is a delight to see books like the present one put much needed, and scientifically credible, tools in the hands of educators, parents, and children." Dr. Jeremy Gray, Yale University Professor of Psychology "The Mainstream Connections book series teaches that challenges and differences are part of the spice of life, not something to hide or fear. Each child in the series faces a challenge that makes him or her feel different and maybe not as good as other kids. Young readers will learn the value of facing challenges directly, and to respect everyone's unique challenges. Success comes from practice and improvement, especially on the things that are hardest to do." Dr. Brian Nosek, University of VirginiaProfessor of Psychology The Mainstream Connections Children's Book Series conveys a message that could have been lifted straight from a psychology research journal: there is more than one way to define being smart . As these stories illustrate, for every person, large and small, there are skills that are relatively difficult to master and others that seem to come more naturally. These books emphasize the important empirical conclusion that just as regular exercise makes the body stronger, so, too, does practice and the effort to improve academically--with all the struggle, fatigue, and initial failure that it entails--allow people to capitalize on the malleable nature of human intelligence. Dr. Samuel R. Sommers, Tufts UniversityProfessor of Psychology I applaud Barbara Esham for finding a way to teach young children how to be more mindful. In so doing, she sets the stage for their greater well-being as adults. Dr. Ellen Langer, Harvard UniversityProfessor of Psychology This is a wonderful book series. Each story shows children that success is about effort and determination, that problems need not derail them, and that adults can understand their worries and struggles. My research demonstrates that these lessons are essential for children. Dr. Carol S. Dweck, Stanford UniversityProfessor of Psychology "If You're So Smart How Come You Can't Spell Mississippi? is a fantastic way of bringing this information to the many smart children who find reading and spelling especially difficult--and especially to those who are beginning to doubt their own potential."Drs. Brock (M.D., M.A.) and Fernette (M.D.)Learning Experts As consultants, the Eides are international and national professional advisors for organizations such as SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted).

Series: Adventures of Everyday Geniuses

Hardcover: 29 pages

Publisher: Mainstream Connections Publishing (June 1, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 160336448X

ISBN-13: 978-1603364485

Product Dimensions: 10 x 10.1 x 0.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (95 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #545,693 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #136 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Children's Health > Learning Disorders #205 in Books > Education & Teaching > Schools & Teaching > Special Education > Communicative Disorders #602 in Books > Parenting & Relationships > Special Needs > Disabilities

Age Range: 6 - 8 years

Grade Level: 1 - 3

Like one of the other reviewers of this series of books, I found that my dyslexic daughter was not particularly interested in my telling her stories about "famous dyslexics" or in having any kind of dialogue about the issue (she's 8 yrs old). However, she absolutely LOVED these books. They are non-threatening, not too "teachy", and the illustrations are wonderful. My daughter has enjoyed the entire series, but after reading this book in particular, she decided she wanted to go to the library (like the main character)and do some research on dyslexia. This is a huge step!This is the only book in the series that specifically mentions a term - dyslexia. The other books deal more in generalities--trouble with timed math facts and memorization, poor handwriting and attention deficit. However, I think many children will see themselves in at least one of these stories, and a child like mine may see parts of herself (or himself) in every book. I like the fact that the books are non-specific. They don't spend word space on labels and diagnoses and symptomology. They simply discuss the challenges a child faces in the classroom from a child's point of view. And THAT is what makes them so accessible and wonderful for our kids. I highly, highly recommend this entire series of books for any child with learning differences.

The Adventures of Everyday Geniuses series by Barbara EshamIf You're So Smart, How Come You Can't Spell Mississippi?From the back of the book: Katie always thought her dad was smart; he is one of the busiest attorneys in town! People are always asking him for advice! She has been a bit confused since asking him for help with her weekly spelling list. How can her very smart dad struggle with one of her spelling words? This definitely didn't make sense. the word Mississippi has changes everything...This is one of four books in a series about children who learn differently. Each of the books explains different learning challenges (dyslexia, difficulty with timed tests, handwriting and ADD) in kid friendly lingo without talking down to the children.What I liked about the book: It is a great book for explaining dyslexia to students who have been diagnosed with dyslexia or who may have classmates with it. I loved it when Katie's dad pointed out that " . . . dyslexia does not mean a person isn't smart. In fact some of the greatest scientists, doctors, and inventors struggled with symptoms of dyslexia." As an educator and librarian, my heart just swelled when Katie asked her mom to take her to the library so she could learn more. Young readers will be able to see themselves in this story, either as Mark Twingle, who can't spell anything or as Katie who had the wrong idea about Mark. At the end of the story, the author has included additional resources for parents and teachers.What I didn't like about the book: I liked it all. I highly recommend this book for anyone who has a child who learns differently. It's a must addition to any school/classroom library.Recommended for ages 6 and up.AR Reading Level: Not listed on AR.Mrs. Archer's Rating: 5 of 5!

Perfect for someone with a family member who has dyslexia. My mom is dyslexic, so she can ‘t spell without writing the word down and isn't the best at math. This book helped me understand how and why it is that way.

The Adventures of Everyday Geniuses series is a great collection of books to encourage and explain the twice exceptional child, to herself, to his classmates, and even to their teachers. No one is perfect, but these books are a perfect way to remind us of this!

This book would be useful and a healthy support for children with learning difficulties who need to understand they aren't alone or to help other children understand them better. Perhaps it would increase empathy in classrooms, or even better, reduce bullying. I am a 46-year-old wife and mother coping with and trying to understand a very bright husband and son learning to live with ADD, inattentive form. I would appreciate a book like this for that subject, too.

This young lady learns her dad is not perfect, he is really smart, but he can't spell. Then she embarks on a journey of discovery and learns lots of really smart people can't spell.While it is written for the young reader, if you have or know someone who has trouble with the written word, this is worth reading and sharing.

I loved the way this book takes dyslexia from being 'the weird kid in school' to 'my family' to 'great people in our world'. Shows that there are difficult things in life that need to be handled everyday. Teaches that we need to look at things not only to 'see' our world, but to 'truly see' what is going on in our world.

This was a delightful book that makes talking about learning disabilities so much easier. What I really like is the author's soft touch at showing us that lack of success now does not mean ultimate failure. I'm going to share this text with my students this year.

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