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51 Puppy Tricks: Step-by-Step Activities To Engage, Challenge, And Bond With Your Puppy

51 Puppy Tricks gives puppy owners the tools they need to teach behaviors and tricks to their puppy through step-by-step instructions and photographs. Most other puppy training books focus on curbing bad behavior. Some have training, but only the most basic tricks. Kyra’s curriculum differs from that of 101 Dog Tricks in that the instructions are geared for the less mature dog. Young puppies are not yet well-tuned to humans, and respond better to a clicker than to a voice. Also, young puppies have so few skills that everyone benefits from a technique called “shaping” which breaks a behavior into minute steps for easier learning. And, of course, puppies receive extra gentle care when we teach, focused more on instilling a love of learning and a communication pathway rather than accomplishing the goal behavior.

Paperback: 176 pages

Publisher: Quarry Books (October 1, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1592535712

ISBN-13: 978-1592535712

Product Dimensions: 7.1 x 0.5 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (122 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #21,881 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #54 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Pets & Animal Care > Dogs > Training #290 in Pet Supplies > Dogs > Training & Behavior Aids

Length: 0:52 Mins

Love this book - and my puppy loves "going to school!" Good explanations and photographs, with excellent results. My puppy picked up the tricks very quickly. "Spin" is his favorite!

This book is a watered down version of the author's other book titled "101 Dog Tricks." Buy that one instead. It includes all of these tricks plus many more!!!

51 Puppy tricks is a very good book. It goes through very simple motions for training your puppy some really cool, but simple, tricks! It is chock full of colorful pictures and step-by-step instructions on how to train your puppy. It shows where and when to use the clicker, hand signals to use, and what word commands to use.I would suggest this book for anyone who has a puppy that they want to start training. This is a great way to bond with your puppy and give him a head start. It is simple tricks, taught in simple ways for your puppy to be able to understand better. It is laid out in such a simple way that even a child could train their puppy.However, if you have an older dog, I would suggest 101 dog tricks for him. 101 Dog Tricks is more advanced training for a dog, not a puppy. It is a very good book as well. I would recommend them both if you really want to start training from puppy-hood to adult dog-hood. Both are very easy for the trainer to understand and read. I have personally enjoyed them, as well as my sister who is a more advanced dog trainer. 51 Puppy tricks has a lot of great tips in it on training puppies for the experienced and in-experienced trainer alike!51 puppy tricks is specifically for puppy training. I would recommend it to starters and advanced people alike! It is a great way to start your puppy out right in a really fun way!

I'm so glad I bought this book. It may well be a section of a previous book, as another reviewer complains, but this is an advantage rather than a drawback, as if you are training a puppy you can work your way through all of these tricks in sequence, with a goal of finishing the book in sight. If you're training a puppy, you don't want difficult tricks meant for adult dogs cluttering up your schedule and making you feel overwhelmed. Also, the detail this book goes into for each trick, with step by step photos means the author has more space to be detailed and specific - a big bonus for first time puppy trainers.I will buy the book for older dogs when my dog is an adult, but for now this book is perfect. I have a set amount of tricks, a plan to build on them each day and an end in sight. A brilliant book.

I bought this book for myself when we got our new puppy in August 2010. I've loved it and my puppy loves learning the tricks :) We have a couple of Kyra Sundance's other books as well, but this one is great for puppies. Some of the tricks are "beginner level" tricks, such as teaching them to walk across a board but not actually doing a teeter-totter since puppies shouldn't be doing a full teeter-totter yet. I liked it so much I bought a copy for my 12 year old cousin when she got a new puppy too. You will need a clicker and small, soft treats for training.

I purchased this book first, Kindle version, and was quite happy, till I went to a local book store, and checked the 101 Tricks version ... I wish I had a way to return/refund Kindle books ... :(

I'll preface this review by saying the fact that I can compare this book to several other puppy/dog training books probably says a lot about me (aka perhaps I should get a life ;).All in all, I found this book helpful -- fun to look through, lots of pictures. It's a nice thing to pick up while you're watching t.v. or taking a pee. That said, there's not that much too it. Most of the content is pretty standard in any puppy class (sit, down, stay, lure, etc). Some of the tricks are neat, and I don't think I'd have found them elsewhere unless I was looking (crawl, hide your eyes). Some of the tricks are things I'm not sure I want to teach my puppy (open the cabinet), but that's personal preference I guess :).That said, there's really not enough content to warrant the price tag, in my opinion. Pictures are nice, but for my dollar, if you want to learn how to train your pup I'd opt for either:A) The books that every dog trainer tells you to read:-Jean Donaldson's Culture Clash,-Patricial McConnel's The Other End of the Leash,-Karen Pryor's Don't Shoot the DogORB) Some cliff's notes version of those books (e.g. Imagine Life with a Well-Behaved Dog)

This book led my new puppy to greatness! :) I never owned a dog before and the first month and a half I owned her, we moved away from everybody we knew that could help us. So, I bought this book and just started working our way through it, trick by trick. This book gave us specific things to work on and was motivating & fun to train every day! Because of this book, my puppy achieved her Champion Trick Dog title when she was only 7 months old. Teaching her tricks at such a young age also helped us create a bond and taught her "how to learn" which made learning agility & other dog sports very easy later on (she is now almost 2 years old) I would HIGHLY recommend this book for EVERYBODY with a new puppy. Tricks are an amazing way to bond with your dog and teach them how to learn new behaviors!The one "critique" that I have is that I do not necessarily like the kindle version (which is the version I bought because I was travelling around). It doesn't work on the original kindle because of the pictures and diagrams and these types of books are hard to navigate. I ended up just using the book on my laptop.***One of my favorite parts of this book are the very cute "puppy" comments that anybody with a pup can relate to and laugh at!! :) ***

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