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DIY: 365 Days Of DIY: A Collection Of DIY, DIY Household Hacks, DIY Cleaning And Organizing, DIY Projects, And More DIY Tips To Make Your Life Easier (With Over 45 DIY Christmas Gift Ideas)

DIY: 365 Days of DIY: A Collection of DIY, DIY Household Hacks, DIY Cleaning and Organizing, DIY Projects, and More DIY Tips to Make Your Life Easier (NEW Proofread Version 2015)$0.99 Special Launch Price! (From $9.99) ~ READ FREE WITH KINDLE UNLIMITEDSPECIAL BONUS: Over 45 DIY Christmas gifts ideas, DIY Gift-Giving with an end “gift” at the back of this book.365 Days of DIY brings you awesome do-it-yourself household hacks, parenting hacks, cleaning hacks, beauty hacks, fitness hacks, essential life hacks, and cooking hacks. Do you feel that your life has become mundane, slow, and all-too-difficult? If you want to maximize your lifestyle, become the most creative element of your own life, and fuel yourself with ready discipline to yield essential vibrancy through gift-giving, cleaning, and weight loss endeavors, you NEED this book. Seriously.This entire year’s worth of DIY hacks will make your life infinitely easier. All the things currently surrounding you—from your ceiling fans to your socks—you can utilize to make a sort of “magic” in your personal environment.Best of all: you can create DIY gifts with an end “gift” at the back of this book. 45 DIY Christmas Gifts offers excellent ideas for homemade skin care scrubs, recipes, beauty supplies, play dough—and so much more. You get 365 ideas to maximize your entire year. On top of that, you get 45 DIY Christmas gift ideas to allow you to save money AND give awesome homemade gifts at the end of the year. Wow. You really can maximize every element of your day.Become your most creative version of yourself. Become a person brimming with beauty, with engagement. You are the master of your domain. You are the master of DIY. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars every year to join a gym, to clean your house, to become the best kind of parent, or to deliver the best Christmas gifts ever. All you need is this book, a bit of supplies, and some determination. Your life is brimming with possibility. Grab it!Download Your Copy Right Now! - Enjoy the following DIY hacks to maximize your life and create stunning beauty!

File Size: 1892 KB

Print Length: 151 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: 365 Days of DIY - DIY Download with Kindle Unlimited; A Collection of DIY edition (November 19, 2014)

Publication Date: November 19, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #47,682 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > How-to & Home Improvements > Household Hints #3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Interior Design > Decorating #7 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > How-to & Home Improvements > Reference

At times, money is tight and I have been working harder at conserving where I can. One of the ways that I do this is by doing as many home projects myself as I can and conserving in other ways. This DIY Guide is a great overview of so many ways that one can save both money and time at home, by making things instead of buying them, and just generally conserving where I hadn't thought to do it before. I have already put many of these to use, particularly the Christmas ideas, and they are wonderful.

If you're a Pinterest pinner then you'll love this collection of household hacks and DIY projects. There's a year's worth of fun projects and things to make, from shoe organizers for pantry snack holders to wine racks for towel holders, clever hidey spots for keys, even decorative ways to hide your modem or router. The ideas presented are easy to do and don't require any specials skills or even much money. Best of all they're all designed to help make your day to day life easier. This will definitely give me plenty to do this winter!

I skimmed through this book on my friend's iPhone the other day, and raced home to get my own copy. There are more clever hacks in this book than you can shake a stick at. In fact, sometimes I notice while I'm reading it that my mind has stopped planning how to put these into action, and is instead just marveling at White Lemon's creativity and ingenuity.This book arrives at exactly the right time in our history. So many of us struggled in the recent economies, and there is a growing awareness of how much we consume unnecessarily. This book is packed with excellent ways to combat both of those things. If you really want to learn how to make the most of the things you already have, the information here is invaluable.I've already made use of the magnet-spice rack idea, as well as the rake wine glass holder (it looks awesome). Not only has it helped me repurpose/upcycle some old items, the fixes have saved me money, and filled me with a deep, personal satisfaction at not having to constantly need new "things". Highly recommended.

Some of these tips are familiar, but all of them are easy tips to remember for a healthy, happy, organized home. This book is great because it is a collection of all of the best tips and ideas in one place. The bonus Christmas gift tips have inspired me with a few fresh ideas, especially for inexpensive teacher gifts.

I was really looking forward to going through this book and finding projects, tips, and tricks to clean up the clutter as we go into the holiday season. I found many tips and ideas that I already utilized, passed down to me from my mom over the years. However, I found enough new ideas to make this book worth the time and money. One of the most helpful DIY ideas was using dry erase markers on mirrors. I was not aware this would work and as soon as I read it I tried it on the corner of my mirror just in case in didn't come off. To my delight it did!! I am working on a novel and I have been finding it helpful to write details on end roll newsprint hung up around the room. My office is practically wall papered with it. I've already bought some cheap mirrors and have started the transfer. The room looks creative and pulled together!! Wonderful idea!!! This book is a must for anyone starting out on their own and needing ways to save them time and money. Everyone should have this book as a quick reference just in case.

I would have never purchased this book if I'd known there were no pictures..... who publishes a DIY book without pictures. If I could return it I would

As a long time "get it Don" person, I've found ideas in all sorts of places. Some ideas here are okay but the book is not. No pictures or illustrations. Words are good but in this venue graphics are a MUST! The cover has good examples therefore I was greatly disappointed I noted when the interior had n o be.

Quite a few typos, but nothing so bad that you can't understand the point the author is trying to make. My primary problem with the first section of the book is most of the DIY suggestions take up a lot more room than most people have and the ones that do have that kind of space won't be interested in anything DIY!

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