Paperback: 544 pages
Publisher: Peachpit Press; 7 edition (October 24, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0321564081
ISBN-13: 978-0321564085
Product Dimensions: 7 x 1 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds
Average Customer Review: 3.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (44 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,689,183 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #17 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Networks, Protocols & APIs > ISDN #43 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Languages & Tools > Ajax #1120 in Books > Computers & Technology > Networking & Cloud Computing > Networks, Protocols & APIs > Networks
This is the sixth editing of the Visual QuickStart Guide to this book and it is the best so far. It finally focuses on some of the WSC standard DOM practices that all the other new JavaScript books have been showing the past year. It also has some a great chapter on one of the most popular JavaScript library/toolkits: Yahoo! UI. This library by Yahoo! has tons of ways to help you create quickly a JavaScript and/or Ajax widget/application for your own site.This book is a great beginner book for people trying to get into coding or programming since all you need is a web browser and no fancy compiler or other costly program. The book goes though the basics of JavaScript with creating variables and where to put your scripts. The author shows you some simple examples to get you started. It then focuses on more language basics such as loops, if statements, creating custom functions, and arrays. It gives a simple examples for each topic and then builds a small application with each new topic covered to show the reader how they all can be put together. I really like how the author does this because it shows the reader what can be done with JavaScript instead of just explaining each topic and moving on.The book then covers manipulating images with JavaScript since doing image-rollovers is what got JavaScript noticed years ago. Then the bigger chapters focus on handling forms which the other big use of JavaScript for years. Being able to manipulate data in forms as well as validate that data is crucial for understanding some of the power of JavaScript. The book also has a good section in Chapter 8, with forms and regular expressions.
Javascript is quite hard to learn from books (well, it's a hard scripting language to learn for a number of reasons, mostly because *nobody* seems to understand the need for teaching syntax in the setting of a full script). Most books give you long, impenetrable narrative about the DOM and DOM2, the history of ECMA, deep theoretical discussions of the difference between, say, NULL and "undefined" and NaN. They are impossibly poorly suited to some guy like me, who builds webpages, has a good grasp of server-side languages, and wants to know some more solid client-side js techniques than putting a few event handlers into forms or alerting "Hello World!". These respected tomes teach little practical syntax or structure for an actual script.This Visual QuickStart guide almost succeeds. Unlike the others, after teaching the necessary grammatical basics, it runs you through actual scripts while explaining what they do and why. It's an excellent method of teaching any programming language from a book. Larry Ullman, for instance, is a master of this writing style.Unfortunately, the approach suffers from major defects of execution. Negrino clearly has a few philosophical postures about how javascript should be written, especially that js scripts should be written in external files in such a manner that they can be used, without modification, on any html page. This is actually okay, since it's a good approach for a more advanced programmer -- it just leaves out all other possible ways of accomplishing something and, at the worst, buries some concepts inside unnecessarily complex structures .Much worse, the book is just poorly edited and supported. It is a nightmare to try to download the scripts from the website and, when you do, necessary graphics are missing.
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