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Helping Your Hyperactive ADD Child, Revised 2nd Edition

John Taylor, Ph.D. is nationally known for his seminars on this subject. He is a clinical psychologist who lives and practices in Salem, Oregon. For many years he wrote an award-winning column on family relationships and mental health for The Oregon Statesman. He is the author of several books, including the highly praised The Hyperactive Child and the Family.Helping Your Hyperactive/Attention Deficit Child is by far the most comprehensive book on the subject of hyperactivity. Most books take a one-sided approach, be it nutritional, psychological, or medical. Dr. Taylor, however, believes that hyperactive activity/attention deficit disorder requires using all the tools from every method available to achieve the best results for the child. This book reflects this multi-dimensional approach. Among the areas covered are:How to determine if your child has hyperactivity/attention deficit disorder; (includes the Taylor Hyperactivity Screening Checklist)Approaches to treatment, including medical, nutritional, and drug therapyThe psychological factors, including the child's self-esteem and the impact of his or her behavior on familyYour child at school, including effective teaching approaches, getting help, instilling discipline, and play activitiesHow to start or join support groupsAnd much, much more!If you are the parent or teacher of a hyperactive/attention deficit child or are in the helping professions, this book is essential reading!

Paperback: 496 pages

Publisher: Prima Lifestyles; 2nd Rev edition (May 7, 1997)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0761508686

ISBN-13: 978-0761508687

Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.5 x 1.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (6 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,584,098 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #51 in Books > Parenting & Relationships > Special Needs > Hyperactivity #288 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Children's Health > Learning Disorders #3182 in Books > Parenting & Relationships > Parenting > Early Childhood

I found this book to be very helpful and full of very concrete ideas on how to help my son. It puts things in language that everybody can understand not just doctors. It doesn't start with the mindset that Retalin is good or bad like most books these days, it just says that if you do take it then try this, this and this to make it eaiser!

We have applied Dr. Taylor's recommendations to our child. We did not discontinue the Ritalin. By applying Dr. Taylor's ideas on nutritional supplements, diet modification and sensible parenting together with the medication, our son improved his academic performance from straight "D"s on his report card to all "A"s, "B"s and one "C" in the same academic year. Needless to say we are very proud of our son and very grateful to Dr. Taylor.

As the parent of a child with ADHD, I've read a lot of books on the subject and on related conditions. I've investigated many different approaches and therapies. This one book could have replaced my years of research. Dr. Taylor gives the reader a clear, understandable description of why these kids behave the way they do, and of the major options for helping them.Unlike many other authors, Taylor has dealt with ADHD as a parent, as well as a professional. He is able to see these challenges from the parent's perspective, and his compassion comes across clearly. This is a welcome change for parents who are very tired of being blamed for things over which they have little control. The author's bio notes that he has over 30 years of successful experience in helping families of these challenging kids...and it shows!The book has a user-friendly approach that can be understood by the layman, but it also provides impressive documentation to support the science. After you finish reading it, I would encourage any parent to share it with their child's teacher. Or, better yet, donate a copy to the school for all the teachers to use.

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