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Broken Hearts; Wounded Minds: The Psychological Functioning Of Traumatized And Behavior Problem Children

A book on Attachment Disorder (AD) that explains what AD is, and how it can be successfully treated through intensive attachment therapy.

Paperback: 252 pages

Publisher: RFR Publications (2001)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0971803005

ISBN-13: 978-0971803008

Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.3 x 0.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds

Average Customer Review: 2.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (3 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,424,810 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #271 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Children's Health > Learning Disorders #443 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Mental Health > Attention Deficit & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders

This is an interesting 202-page handbook for those treating or living with attachment disorder children. Randolph breaks the volume into two six-chapter parts, the first on understanding and living with attachment disorder children, the second on research results into the issue. Unfortunately, some of the statements of "fact" in this book seem highly controversial, at best.Chapter one covers "Attachment Theory and Attachment Disruptions," reviewing the history of the disorder's preliminary discovery in the 13th Century by King Gustav of Sweden, its recognition by British psychoanalyst John Bowlby in a seminal 1944 study and further research into the topic in the 1960s by Mary Ainsworth and others with whom she later collaborated.The later studies identified the differences in behavioral and psychological health in "securely attached children" from "insecurely attached children." In the 1970s researchers began to consider the effects of maltreatment on attachment styles. These found that children raised in orphanages had more severe problems than those raised in foster care.In the second essay, Randolph covers "The Impact of Severe Traumatization on Infant Monkeys and Human Children." In 1958, Harry Harlow studied whether infant monkeys attached to their mothers because they provide food, and surprisingly found that the comfort of the infants was more important to them than eating. This was determined by the use of two surrogate mother figures-a wire monkey that provided food and a cloth monkey for comfort. Harlow found that the infants clung to the cloth "mothers," in many cases, to the point of starvation.

Oh god, the things the author says in this book are so awful! Here are just a few that send chills down my back:"Children with...[Attachment Disorder] really hate being touched...they commonly complain constantly about various aches and pains, things that itch, and parts of themselves that they need to move whenever they're being held. The therapist may sometimes need to briefly cover a child's mouth with a cupped order to cut off the child's constant complaints that are preventing therapy from being able to progress..." page 113"Whenever a therapist lies on top of a child, with the child face up, and with the therapist facing the child, this is known as compression. This technique is also used to help a child become enraged, to help to re-enact the need cycle, and to help a child to access and work through memories of past traumas..." pages 83-84"Compression can be very useful in the process of helping children to work through and release trapped feelings of terror, as the therapist can put a small amount of weight on children until terror is triggered, then takes that weight off, and helps children to calm back down. Then slightly more weight can be put on to again trigger terror ... This process can take several hours, and may even take several days..." page 98"It usually isn't necessary to put more than 50 pounds of weight on the child ... Occasionally more weight may need to be briefly put on a child if the issues the child is working on cause him to become assaultive, and he needs to be physically restrained...

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