Paperback: 1184 pages
Publisher: Cengage Learning; 3 edition (February 6, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0534491324
ISBN-13: 978-0534491321
Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 1.4 x 9.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 3.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (31 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #167,116 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #100 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Microsoft Programming > C & C++ Windows Programming #114 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Languages & Tools > C & C++ > C++ #649 in Books > Textbooks > Computer Science > Programming Languages
I studied from this book for my class two years ago. I thought that the book carefully explains concepts with out being wordy, which lessen the frustrations and uneasiness of learning how to program for the first time. After each major new concept, the book writes an example program. Following the programs are explanations of everything in the program. Why they write this or why use this method, etc. The exercises are helpful. However, if they have a solution guide to go with it, it would had been even better. Overall, this book is great for anyone trying to learn C on their own. It doesn't leave out anything and the concepts are explained in a straightforward and clear manner.
If you want to learn C, this book might eventually get you there, but it felt pretty fluffy. 1000+ pages is a little much for such a simple language as C.I also was floored to see code samples in the book that have syntax errors and don't compile.
I bought this for a textbook. It is not a quick read. However, it has a lot of examples and the summary pages and tips at the end of the chapters have been useful for class. The index is complete enough you can use it to find stuff. Whether you understand the explanation is another matter. The author can be quite verbose and attempts to cover everything. Good for a text, not so good for a reference. I'm sure there are more concise treatments, but this isn't a bad book and I am getting used to the format.
This is an excellent book. I like to know what is going on underneath the function calls, and how the language works, and this book explains things very well. It is very thorough and descriptive. I have read other reviews that are somewhat critical of how this book is so in depth, but in my opinion, that is what separates the good books from the average. Perhaps, if you are just looking for an overview of the language with examples, this book is not for you. But if you really want to learn C, how it works, program structure and implementation, this book is for you. Definitely worth the money.
Great product, required for my computer coding class. Very informative. Great book to skim since there's a lot of useful information. If your having trouble on the homework, just whip this book out and you will almost always get an example similar to the problem.
Used this text in college for C programming, and will adopt the C++ version for the class I teach!Easy to read, plenty of examples, and does not overwhelm the beginning programmer with useless information. Practical, easy to for C programming (and it's sister text for C++).
I'm currently using this book for my Intro to Computer Science class and I thought this book was fine, albeit a bit wordy. But I figured this book primarily targets programmers with little to no experience, so some of the extra information helped to confirm what I already know. But I very quickly became frustrated with this book because of the ridiculous typographical errors present. There have been times where I've spent hours trying to figure out why my code would not work when I did a quick search online only to find out that the book had an error. Errors of this nature are all over the book, which makes it very difficult to learn programming properly. I'd rather learn it myself and ask Google if I don't understand something rather than use this book.
This is a good book. I used for my freshman year in engineering. I sold it when the semester ended. However, I bought it again because I needed to review some material and I knew it was a good source. Recommended!!!
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