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Starting Out With Programming Logic And Design (Starting Out With...)

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design, Third Edition, is a language-independent introductory programming book that orients students to programming concepts and logic without assuming any previous programming experience. In the successful, accessible style of Tony Gaddis’ best-selling texts, useful examples and detail-oriented explanations allow students to become comfortable with fundamental concepts and logical thought processes used in programming without the complication of language syntax. Students gain confidence in their program design skills to transition into more comprehensive programming courses. The book is ideal for a programming logic course taught as a precursor to a language-specific introductory programming course, or for the first part of an introductory programming course.

File Size: 10982 KB

Print Length: 648 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 2 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits

Publisher: Pearson; 3 edition (April 1, 2012)

Publication Date: April 1, 2012

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B0072VTI08

Text-to-Speech: Not enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #479,804 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #119 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Software Design, Testing & Engineering > Logic #2315 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Computers & Technology > Programming #168880 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction

This is required reading for my programming course. The author gives detailed explanations of the different terms and concepts, it then has examples of the pseudocode or flow chart being discussed directly after the explanation. It includes a cd with answers to the self test questions. Each concept is given a subheading and number and that is listed at the top of the page. One reviewer noted there is no glossary, but there is an index which lists all the terms and gives the pages it is discussed on. Normally if I don't remember a concept at the end of chapter review I prefer brushing up on it a little more anyway, and therefore don't miss the glossary at all. I also like the fact that the author explains common mistakes and explains why they do not work.8/28/13 UPDATE: I've now read books and done some programming with Java and Visual Basic 2012. This psuedocode book actually helped a lot with both programming languages. The basic concepts of programming in these two languages had already been so well explained in Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design. It seemed that right from the start I've understood a lot of the terms and concepts in Java and Visual Basic and can start concentrating more on the nuances and differences of programming in the individual languages. This book has actually sped up the rate by which I have been able to get through the individual books of these two languages. I would highly recommend this book as a good way to start if you are not exactly sure which programming language you are interested in starting with or if you intend from the start to get a basic knowledge of more than one programming language.

Would have gotten 5 stars, but the book was a little rough around the edges. But it was in overall good quality. You should advertise that book comes with access code and cd because a lot of students look for that.

The book was required for my IT class. The book started off very nicely providing the basics of learning pseudocode, but soon progressed to very cumbersome and poorly explained examples within the chapter. I managed to pass the class with an "A." The later chapters require a lot of time to fully understand the material, and online research to understand what the author is talking about.

Some areas of this are difficult to understand as well as some concepts. I really wish the answers to the questions where available to check the codes at the end of the chapters or at least the odd or even answers as most math books do. Not the worst school book dealing with programming but certainly not the best either.

The book is pretty clear in the text. My only real issue was the examples. They only show the part that they are describing at the time and not the whole example. Usually this wouldn't be an issue, but with Logic how you write one part effects other parts of the code and they don't show those effects in this book. I spent quite a bit of time with my professor getting him to explain to me what it does to other things.If you've got a good teacher then you'll be ok.

Great value. School wanted $100 for the same book used. Book itself is pretty much all about basic programming logic and flowcharts, UML, etc.. It covers things like data types, variables, repetition structures, saving to files, object oriented stuff like classes, inheritance, etc..

I really liked the book. My son had to get it for his college class but i have in interest in programming also. This book really helped me to understand the basics and then I went on to learn c++ and then C Sharp

A book that introduces programming logic, Tony Gaddis does a fantastic job explaining programming constructs and design in an easy to understand way. As someone who already knew how to program prior to reading this book, it certainly helped reinforce proper programming technique.

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