Series: In Easy Steps
Paperback: 192 pages
Publisher: In Easy Steps Limited; 4 edition (July 12, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781840784329
ISBN-13: 978-1840784329
ASIN: 1840784326
Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 7.5 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 14.1 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (66 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #247,023 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #110 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Languages & Tools > C & C++ > C #167 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Languages & Tools > C & C++ > C++ #323 in Books > Computers & Technology > Programming > Software Design, Testing & Engineering > Object-Oriented Design
I bought this book for my 14 yr old son to teach himself C++ over the summer. So far so good, the pages are easy to read, and the colorful visual graphics are engaging and not boring. He has learned to download the compiler and write basic arithmetic functions, operations etc. It's not a whole lot of jargon and the explanations are in plain english for beginner programmers or "wanna be" programmers. I'm glad he's enjoying the book and is motivated to learn programming on his own. The book has a lot of exercises and examples so when you write a program, you can compare the screenshots.
I've not written code since I graduated college 13yrs ago. I'm considering going back to school to earn my MS and was looking for something to help relearn C++. I picked this one up due to its favorable reviews.I'm not sure if the material is at a level lower than my skill or if I overestimated how much I'd lost in the years. There are no complete blocks of sample code in the book. The step-by-step instructions for each example have you define functions, start your main function, go back and add code to the defined functions, come back and add to the main. I found it somewhat confusing without seeing a complete block of example code. The source code is available to download, but that doesn't do much for you if you're reading on a train/bus/etc.The book claims you do not need programming experience. I'll just say that If I handed this book to my somewhat tech savvy mother, she'd be able to recreate the example, but she wouldn't learn much about programming. It does explain things at a very basic level that may give a complete novice a place to start from, but they'd need to buy another book or take a class to learn more about thinking in terms of problem solving with a program etc. The entire book is along the lines of "Here is this data type/function" and "Here's how it works". It does give some examples, but very basic.
for someone who has no experience with C or C++, this is a great book to start with. for someone with a bit of experience with it but needs a reference guide, this is a great book to have on hand. Before reading this book i knew a little perl, pything and bash scripting. With this book i was able dive right in to c++. I'm not an expert but it really taught me the basics allowed me to expand on my basic scripting knowledge.
This is an excellent start to learn C++. The book takes you step by step into actual C++ programming without technical jargon or mumbo-jumbo. While the steps seem mundane, they provide a sound basis of this complicated language and will facilitate your use of the most extensively used contemporary computer language. A word of caution, you must complete all the exercises in the book (ie type them into your computer and watch them run!). You cannot learn any computer language without using it. It helps if you have a project in mind, because you can best learn the language by actually doing something with it.Here are some important adjuncts. An excellent C++ language (console edition, by Orwell) can be downloaded from the internet at no charge on the sourceforge site. There is a wonderful source on the internet called cplusplus which has an extensive reference base and a very active forum to answer questions and help with problems. This is particularly important with C++ because there are a zillion little quirks in the language (example: who knew that you can't load a file title from a saved string but have to add the suffix .c_str on the string?). You will find the participants in the forum are tolerant and patient for what may seem to be even the most stupid questions. Be very careful downloading material, many C++ sites contain spyware/computer viruses which are impossible to remove. The site recommended above seems to be free of these problems.Your reward: C++ is here to stay and is the basis for most new languages. I wondered why until completing the implementations of my previous applications. C++ is 20 times faster (I measured it) than my old compiled Pascal programs, is more facile, and works with many operating systems.Go for it!
Continually impressed by Mike McGrath's books....just enough, but not too much. Can't be your sole reference, but if you are looking for a fast tutorial to refresh your memory, or a basic introduction, the price point can't be beat given the quality.
I think this is a good book to buy; it is not expensive, and has admirable qualities. The design, color and typeset are beautiful and attractive. It quickly goes through a wealth of basic material to get you started. I actually think this is not quite a beginner's book to programming; it is too dense and does not develop intuition for object oriented programming but it makes up for it with brevity. It is perfect for someone who has previous experience with some programming or starting with another mainstream introductory book to C++ and needs a supplement. I would have given it 5 stars for that purpose.
There are a bunch of newer coding books that are written in this manner and I find them very useful. You really do cruise through the basics and write meaningful code fairly quickly. The books make good references later on as well.
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