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Understanding Girls With ADHD, Updated And Revised: How They Feel And Why They Do What They Do

First written in 1999, the new edition of Understanding Girls with ADHD is better than ever.In this expanded and updated book, Kathleen Nadeau, Ellen Littman, and Patricia Quinn rise to the occasion and deliver a comprehensive, up-to-date, and readable book that illuminates the complexity of ADHD in girls and women, both across the lifespan and across multiple domains of life (e.g.,home, school, the workplace, close relationships). Blending clinical examples, case material, and a masterful synthesis of research findings around the world, the authors reveal the roots of ADHD in females during the preschool years, also summarizing relevant causal factors, and display the highly individualized journeys through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood that these girls and women face. The book's latter chapters make use of the information on ADHD and development and provide a synthesis of the kinds of treatment strategies needed to intervene with the complex issues faced by girls and families who struggle with ADHD. The authors' working through the executive functioning deficits experienced by so many girls with ADHD―and their deployment of vivid examples of right vs. wrong ways of approaching such problems―will be of great importance for large numbers of families. Even more, the authors emphasize that ADHD rarely exists in a vacuum and that understanding and treating co-morbid disorders is essential. Understanding Girls with ADHD does not shy away from key areas of controversy. How, for example, can a family know whether it's ADHD or another set of problems that's the primary issue? How does one deal with the potential use of medication, which is plagued by bad press and abundant myths but which can, as part of a multi-faceted treatment plan, provide great benefit if the right dose is found and if the doctor works with the family to monitor positive effects and side effects carefully? What about longterm risk for eating pathology, substance abuse, and other difficult areas of impairment of salience for girls? How can girls and their families break through the thicket of negative expectations and sometimes-toxic family interactions to pave the way for a different set of outcomes?Clearly, ADHD does not look the same across different individuals, especially girls. Understanding Girls with ADHD emphasizes the multiple ways in which ADHD can manifest itself across different people, families, and ages.Always sensitive, and without hesitation in providing an authoritative tone, this book will empower girls and their families in ways that are sorely needed. Its emphasis on gender-specific manifestations of ADHD and its inclusion of practical means of attacking the executive-function deficits that plague girls and women with ADHD will ensure its continued status as core guidebook.Written with compassion and sensitivity, and full of the clinical wisdom that accompanies years of experience on the front lines, Understanding Girls with ADHD is the go-to book for those needing guidance, support, and knowledge about female manifestations of ADHD.

Paperback: 376 pages

Publisher: Advantage Books; 2 edition (May 7, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0971460973

ISBN-13: 978-0971460973

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.9 x 8.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (14 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #24,128 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #11 in Books > Education & Teaching > Schools & Teaching > Special Education > Learning Disabled #12 in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Children's Health > Learning Disorders #42 in Books > Medical Books > Medicine > Internal Medicine > Pediatrics

I'd like to think that I am somewhat knowledgeable--maybe even a quasi-expert--at girls with AD/HD. After all, I am a mother of such a daughter (now 10 years old) and in my "previous life," worked in child and adolescent psychiatry where I saw, first-hand, many of the manifestations of AD/HD. Never before, though had I come across a book outlining with such sympathy--not to mention, honesty--the ins and outs of raising a daughter with such a condition.Nadeau, Quinn, and Littman, true experts in their field, have shed valuable and insightful light on a condition once reserved strictly to boys--and even though we knew on some level that girls also suffered from the ill effects of hyperactivity, distractibility, and inattention characteristic of AD/HD. While of course, we know now that girls do in fact suffer from this disorder, we didn't always have a name for it. In the past, girls were considered "tomboys," or "dreamers." We've known for some time--this isn't exactly news.What I liked about UNDERSTANDING GIRLS WITH AD/HD: HOW THEY FEEL & WHY THEY DO WHAT THEY Do is the blending of research in a family-focused manner, making it accessible to just about anyone who wants to make life with their AD/HD girl better. Plus, the information on coexisting conditions (mood disorders, executive functioning, eating disorders, and other at-risk behavior) is gold.The book is structured in such a way that you could read portions based on how you want to use the information. For a parent just starting on the AD/HD journey, it's a great intro. She can stop there, or continue reading for "bends up ahead.

This review originally appeared on my blog at thanks to the author for gifting this book to me. We were introduced by Gina Pera, eminent ADHD advocate and educator. I was sure this book would provide useful information, and I was not disappointed.Nearly all the books I’ve read about ADHD skews heavily towards males. Everyone is familiar with the stereotype of the energetic little boy, jumping out of his seat in school, and throwing tantrums in the restaurant. However, girls can have ADHD too, and the signs may not be as obvious. This book aims to educate parents and teachers about girls with ADHD and what signs to look for.Nadeau’s tone is just right. There is no endless scientific posturing, no glib New Agey solutions; just honest talk and positive thinking. She also discusses the different way girls are affected by ADHD. For example: the hormonal changes of puberty, famous for wreaking havoc on the most stable female’s world, may cause ADHD symptoms to be seen for the first time. This is important because “these girls do not meet the DSM-5 requirement that evidence of ADHD problems must exist prior to 12 years of age in order to receive and ADHD diagnosis”.Using case studies and real life examples, Nadeau provides short vignettes of life with an ADHD girl. These serve well to illustrate the point being discussed and parents will be able to see that Carly is not just being a typical teenager, she may have undiagnosed ADHD and need help.Each chapter builds upon the last one, starting from grammar school all the way up to college. The chapters are further broken down into easy to grasp sections, with titles like “What Teachers See” and “Gender Role Expectations”.

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