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Wild In The City: Fauna & Flora Of Colorado Urban Spaces

Join artists, Dorothy DePaulo and Heidi Snyder on an inspirational journey of discovery as they explore the plants and animals in the parks and open spaces in the Front Range of Colorado. Both are nationally and internationally recognized artists and have spent countless hours of field observation and taken thousands of reference photos (some featured in the book) in urban green areas. Based on these references they have created detailed and scientifically correct drawings presented in an artistic manner. These gorgeous colored pencil drawings are unique in that the fauna and flora are shown in relationship to each other. The subjects of these drawings have been extensively researched and are accompanied by interesting facts. The purpose of the book is to raise public awareness on how nature interacts with an ever-changing environment and is intended to further reveal the range of plants and animals living in urban spaces. Due to its multi-media/multi-discipline approach, the book will span all age groups and appeal to many interest groups.

Paperback: 176 pages

Publisher: Westcliffe Pub (November 2, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1565796667

ISBN-13: 978-1565796669

Product Dimensions: 10.7 x 8.5 x 0.6 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (10 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,537,509 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #160 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Gardening & Landscape Design > By Region > West #1845 in Books > Science & Math > Biological Sciences > Animals > Wildlife #10443 in Books > Science & Math > Nature & Ecology > Fauna

I love this book! If you are a nature lover and enjoy beautiful and scientifically accurate paintings of wildlife and plants, then this new book filled with fantastic paintings of the flora and fauna in the urban open spaces in Colorado will be a great addition to your library. Also, this book would make a wonderful gift for any like-minded friends or family members. I bought a copy of this book the day it was published and was fortunate to have an opportunity to ask the authors to sign my copy. Then I came back to to purchase copies for several family members and friends. I was very happy to find that the price of the book has been discounted, but it was a great value at its original price. I hope that you buy a copy, but if you don't, I hope that you will pick up a copy in a library and browse through the beautiful paintings. Very impressive! E.T.

This book is a must-have for nature and city lovers alike and would be a wonderful gift for a variety of people--including yourself! It is substantive in format (172 thick, smooth, beautiful pages) and content (brief but informative personal accounts and stunning illustrations by the authors--you have to read about Heidi Snyder's encounter with the Western Painted Turtle on page 62 which almost cost her her finger!). It is fun to just flip through for the eye candy art, but if you feel like learning more there is a wealth of educational and interesting information to accompany each illustration. This book does not disappoint, love it!

Lovely! Just enough information to be educational, but not overwhelming. The frequent comparisons between actual photographs and artist renderings are especially interesting. My favorite aspect of this book, however, are the notes, experiences and quips from the authors. These are incredibly interesting and this detail really connects the book and authors to the reader. If you have, are or will live in CO (or any neighboring state for that matter), this book is a must.

This book is fantastic! It has beautiful illustrations that any reader can appreciate! Not only that but it is written in such a way that learning about the wild in our city is enjoyable, informative and thought provoking. It is a non fiction text that even my young children enjoy! This is a must have for anyone who wants to excited and educated about where they live!

This book is a treasure! The beautiful art,the personal commentary and the wealth of information on each page made it a joy to read. I learned something new on each page about the wonderful wildlife we have in and around the city. I highly recommend this book!

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