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Lost Technologies Of Ancient Egypt: Advanced Engineering In The Temples Of The Pharaohs

A unique study of the engineering and tools used to create Egyptian monuments • Presents a stone-by-stone analysis of key Egyptian monuments, including the statues of Ramses II and the tunnels of the Serapeum • Reveals that highly refined tools and mega-machines were used in ancient Egypt From the pyramids in the north to the temples in the south, ancient artisans left their marks all over Egypt, unique marks that reveal craftsmanship we would be hard pressed to duplicate today. Drawing together the results of more than 30 years of research and nine field study journeys to Egypt, Christopher Dunn presents a stunning stone-by-stone analysis of key Egyptian monuments, including the statue of Ramses II at Luxor and the fallen crowns that lay at its feet. His modern-day engineering expertise provides a unique view into the sophisticated technology used to create these famous monuments in prehistoric times. Using modern digital photography, computer-aided design software, and metrology instruments, Dunn exposes the extreme precision of these monuments and the type of advanced manufacturing expertise necessary to produce them. His computer analysis of the statues of Ramses II reveals that the left and right sides of the faces are precise mirror images of each other, and his examination of the mysterious underground tunnels of the Serapeum illuminates the finest examples of precision engineering on the planet. Providing never-before-seen evidence in the form of more than 280 photographs, Dunn’s research shows that while absent from the archaeological record, highly refined tools, techniques, and even mega-machines must have been used in ancient Egypt.

Paperback: 400 pages

Publisher: Bear & Company; Original edition (June 24, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1591431026

ISBN-13: 978-1591431022

Product Dimensions: 6 x 1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (77 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #219,776 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #77 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Civil & Environmental > Structural #186 in Books > History > Ancient Civilizations > Egypt #265 in Books > Engineering & Transportation > Engineering > Reference > History

Here is a book the world has been waiting for. Do not let the clinical sounding title fool you, either. If they had asked me, I'd have called it The Joy of Discovery: A Humble Materials Engineer's Adventures In Ancient Egypt. It's a great ride, not a text book. It is a truly rigorous analysis of the artifacts the ancient Egyptians left behind, but it's also the story that surrounds Chris Dunn's exploration of this astonishing world. It makes you feel like you were along on an amazing adventure.Dunn wrote the indispensable The Giza Power Plant, an astonishing analysis of the Great Pyramid, and his fans have been eagerly awaiting this new effort. None will be disappointed. This time, he's writing about the places in Egypt many of us have overlooked. Trust me, the Ramses statues at Luxor are every bit as astounding an accomplishment as the Great Pyramid, although I had no idea 'til I read this book.Dunn has been a materials engineer for decades. He works for a company that you might hire if you have an idea on paper, a drawing, for instance, and want someone to make a physical object out of it in stone or steel. When he looks at a cell phone, his mind sees the tools that were required to make the curved plastic shell the guts of the phone are packaged in. It's how his mind works. So where most of us glance at nice statues and columns, and walk on to the next nice thing to glance at, Chris Dunn stops in his tracks. How did they DO that?, he asks. He photographs them, and subjects the photos to cutting edge Computer Aided Design analysis. He measures them carefully. He zooms in, and notices almost invisible flaws that are evidence of the manufacturing processes that human beings used to craft these objects.He's cheerful amateur.

This is, said with familiarity of what has been written, the most important book on ancient Egypt since the 1971 publication of Secrets of the Great Pyramid by Peter Tompkins and Livio Catullo Stecchini. It is a good buy even for a person of casual interest, because, due to the excellent color photographic plates, it would be a stunner of a coffee table book.In the law, there are three commonly encountered standards of proof: 1) A preponderance of the evidence, sometimes taught as "just over half," -- enough to prove the point: 2) Clear and Convincing evidence, which means what it says, evidence so strong that a reasonable person would be convinced by it, and: 3) Unlike the preceding two, which are civil law terms, the proof standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt," which is the hurtle to be met by a jury in a criminal case. Dunn, like Flinders Petrie long before him (who wrote convincingly of the use of high speed lathes in ancient Egypt), writes with a level of detailed example not previously seen, and provides, at the least, clear and convincing evidence of the use of powerful large machine tools of very high calibration as having been necessarily used to obtain the exquisitely detailed and bilaterally symmetrical statuary to be found in those places in Egypt to which he has turned his camera, tripod, CAD capable computers, and decades of engineering skill.This book is a "10," and a very important intellectual achievement, capable of being recognized as an opened window to the panorama of high machine technology from an epoch long ago.

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