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The Wedding Vows From Conversations With God: With Nancy Fleming-Walsch

Honoring the spiritual nature of all beings; this is the essence of the wedding vows from Conversations with God. Thus, these are not simply vows, but something more: an outward manifestation of our deepest inner truth.These vows were spoken by Neale Donald Walsch and Nancy Flemming-Walsch at their own marriage, and are featured in Book 3 of the Conversations with God series. As Neale writes, "We wanted a ceremony that spoke the truth of our hearts, and that allowed us to make promises that we knew we could keep."So, here they are, from Neale and Nancy to you, for use in your own ceremony. Included are wonderful commentaries on love and relationships by Gerald Jampolsky and his wife, Diane Cirincione, and by Marianne Williamson. Also included are meaningful insights on union from the Conversations with God series.May your marriage be blessed.

Hardcover: 68 pages

Publisher: Hampton Roads Publishing (May 1, 2000)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1571741615

ISBN-13: 978-1571741615

Product Dimensions: 4.8 x 0.5 x 7.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (18 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,030,122 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #84 in Books > Crafts, Hobbies & Home > Weddings > Ceremony, Vows & Toasts #4072 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Christian Living > Self Help #4219 in Books > Parenting & Relationships > Marriage & Adult Relationships

I'm a huge fan of the CWG books, so when my wife and I got married recently, I knew I wanted to incorporate a lot of the CWG insights into our wedding. These vows (which we altered a bit to suit us) are amazingly powerful. Throughout our wedding reception the one thing our guests kept commenting on were the vows, about how good they were. People wanted to know where we got them. (These weren't just polite conversational questions, either. Our family and friends were really wanted to know where we got them.) I wish I could have taken credit for writing them, but that credit will have to go to Neale. Use these vows in their entirety, or use them as a starting point. Either way, there's lots of good stuff in there.

Honestly. Could we be more judgmental? But then, they are *the* "premier multifaith and independent source for spirituality, religion, and morality on the Web." Or so they claim. Whatever. If that's true, then You'd think they'd be careful not to let themselves be overcome with self-righteousness. The evidence would suggest that they're full of themselves. Anyway, the source of my spirituality is in myself, not some website.Anyway, the wedding vows presented here are the ones also given in book 3 of Conversations With God, along, presumably, with other ceremonial suggestions. I haven't bought this particular volume, so the five stars are for the vows themselves. And I had to say something in response to the condescending garbage spewed by the no-name know-it-all at Beliefnet."Apart from these brief remarks, there is nothing in "The Wedding Vows" that will sustain a couple through even the first disagreement." As if traditional wedding vows do that? This claim is just silly. The only thing that will sustain a couple through the first disagreement is a clear vision of why they are together. And the purpose of wedding vows or wedding statements is to express that vision. And, presumably, a married couple will have had their first disagreement LONG before the wedding. Hello? Maybe the folks at Beliefnet are just confused. If you were thinking of buying this book, don't be shamed by that so-called "review."

I had the privilege of seeing a copy of "The Wedding Vows from CWG" at the time of deciding vows for my own wedding. The minister who was going to preform our ceremony had two versions of vows that she used before, one for a wedding and one for a commitment ceremony. Neither one seemed to be complete, so we gave her our copy of "Wedding Vows from CWG" and used that. The words in this book were EXACTLY what we were looking for. With a few minor changes, we had the perfect vows that expressed exactly what we wanted. Our commitement ceremony was the most beautiful "wedding" and this book was a tremendous help in writing the vows. It is not intended to be a self-help book about staying together. It is a book about VOWS that you make to your partner for a "wedding," as the title suggests.

The Wedding Vows from Conversations With God is a beautiful little book, both in appearance and content. The two red roses on the cover and repeated throughout the book symbolize the Ceremony of Roses, an integral part of the wedding ceremony. Neale Donald Walsch and Nancy Fleming-Walsch have shared their thoughts on love and marriage as well as the vows they wrote for their wedding. Additionally, they've included essays from Marianne Williamson and Gerald Jamplosky, both well-known for their writings on the nature of love. When they decided to marry, the Walschs searched for vows they could repeat that reflected their true feelings for each other. Finding none, they wrote their own. Because they believe that "no one can really promise anything with a 100 percent guarantee," they chose to make "Statements of Intention." On an impulse, Neale included the statements in Conversations With God, Volume 3 "as an example of how a spirit-centered, freedom-granting marriage ceremony might be created." Readers loved them and began using them in their own wedding ceremonies. The Wedding Vows From Conversations With God "will serve to remind spouses and partners of their commitment to love and treat each other as equals always." It's an ideal gift for lovers planning their wedding, for those wishing to renew their vows, or for "those in whom, by sharing it with one another, love is each day reborn."

Beautiful non-traditional vows that you should still personalize yourself. I love the ideas of each person being their own source of love and happiness, instead of thinking of the other as your source of these things only you can provide for yourself. The vows are based on personal responsibility rather than the sense of blame that happens in relationships when we think it's the other person's fault if we're unhappy.

I started reading The CWG series years ago and I can not tell you how it has helped me to change and become an all around better person. While I was reading the 1st book in the series I was a little hesitant, but as a read and Neale and God were talking, and God answered Neales questions I was AMAZED! I have asked God so many of the same questions, and they have all been answered the exact same way! And now the more people I talk to about the CWG series the more I hear the same from them, it is amazing! These books are based on Gods love for all of us, and the wedding vows are perfect they simply state we are equals and we shall treat eachother as such, just as God does and always will. We promise to accept one another as we are and to always Love eachother Unconditionally-Forever! Perfect, simple and to the point. If you haven't already read the vows do so, you'll be happy you did.

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